Not everyone wants to be in a situation where their careers are their only or top priority. Men or women.
I recently found myself, somewhat unexpectedly spending rather more time than I would have liked, in the departure lounge of Fiumicino Airport, Rome. It’s a long story, one that doesn’t even matter and with everything going on in Syria, Libya and Japan, I’m not even going to make the mildest protest. But I have actually often found that some of my most interesting and informative connections are made during delays in travelling both business and personal. People who are usually too busy are happy to idle away the time with just about anyone. That day was no exception.
I became involved in a conversation with Thomas C and Brendan S, both routed via Rome for a connecting flight to Heathrow, on their way back from a Supply Chain conference, in a still desirable Middle East destination. At a guess they were both in their mid to late 30s. They actually both looked very alike, booted and suited as they were in the male executive uniform of dark grey suits, crisp white shirts and designer ties, which did eventually end up in their pockets. Both had young families and Tom’s wife was still on maternity leave, following the birth of their first child. That was pretty much where the similarities ended.
Paternity leave
Tom, a middle level manager enjoys his job, but his wife is the hot-shot, lead salary earner, already tipped to make Managing Director level in an American Financial Services company. My ears pricked up. I was thrilled to hear this modern-day story! But alas there was a twist.
” We had always planned that when we had children I would reduce my hours to part time and Katie’s career would be the primary career. Her income potential far outstrips mine and she is passionate about what she does. But we are already experiencing difficulties. My company doesn’t want to give me flexi-time or part time hours, even though it’s quite standard to support women. They reckon this will open the floodgates from other men wanting reduced hours. My boss also took me to one side and told me it would be a damaging career move and I could limit my chance of involvement in any long term, high level projects.”
This anecdotal story is supported by a survey carried out by uSwitch of 1,000 men which showed that 41 per cent of men polled would be concerned to take paternity leave, citing fear of losing their jobs or having their career prospects reduced.
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Excessive demands
Not everyone wants to be in a situation where their careers are their only or top priority. Men or women. What would happen if flexible and part-time working were available to all? If a company is fearful that a large section of its workforce would down tools and apply for reduced hours, doesn’t that send a message that perhaps there is something amiss with their workplace culture? Are people being expected to work too hard and simply too long? But perhaps more significantly is there something wrong with our business models that requires people to work in this way, but also our cultures for endorsing these values?
This was in stark contrast to Brendan’s story. I would say (am I allowed to?) that he would be described as a typical alpha career man, already at Director level, with mention made of private prep schools and exotic foreign holidays. His wife is a part time interior decorator running her business from home allowing her to focus on raising their family, as two of their children have special education needs. But Brendan also works mainly from home. His company has adopted what I recently learned is known as BYOC policy – bring your own computer. He is paid a monthly allowance for using his own hardware. He has a docking station in his company offices, where there are no assigned desks. What started as a drive to reduce IT infra-structure and real estate costs, has now turned into a work/life balance benefit, where company employees can work from anywhere at anytime. This is seemingly becoming an increasingly attractive business model.
Does this mean he is sneaking a quick look the PGA Masters instead of doing whatever supply chain people are supposed be doing I asked? ‘ Not one bit ” he told me. ” I don’t think the senior management intended to be progressive at the beginning. They wanted to reduce IT costs and office overheads. When I’m in the office the distractions are huge. Offices are inherently inefficient places. At home I am totally focused. If I’m travelling I can work completely normally. The technology on my own laptop is infinitely superior to anything my company could afford to buy at the moment. It means that I can self schedule and be there for school runs, medical appointments and so on. What is important is that I get things done – not how and when I do it..”
So ironically could it be economic and technological imperatives rather than altruism, that could facilitate a future workplace which is not driven by preconceived and stereotypical ideas based on gender?
What do you think?
Hi Dorothy
A great post – isn’t it interesting who you can meet in the airport lounge! BYOC opens up all kinds of interesting possibilities for companies and a much more flexible work place which fits in with the world of rapidly changing organisations. It will require a new response from HR as well as from line managers. But my own experience suggests that for many of us working any time, can end up meaning work all the time. Because there is no need to travel to an office you can get into the habit of switching on earlier and switching off later! It requires a new kind of discipline and a new kind of comradeship in the office – no more dedicated spaces for ‘our’ team! Interesting though and when I did it, I wouldn’t have wanted to return to old style working! It is one reason why I opted for complete independence!
Thanks Wendy – we did discuss this point over airport espressos. The consensus was that with commuting time adding on average 2 hours to most people’s daily elapsed work time, the gentlemen said they would prefer the flexibility of deciding when they would work. But interesting this initiative comes from a cost cutting base rather than workplace ” wellness” and balance.
What a hope for the future, Dorothy. The key word here is education… The more organisations that learn of the benefits Brendan’s way of working hold both for him and his organisation, the more likely they are to adopt innovative ways of working. Mmm…now who could run a highly effective advertising and education campaign???
Great blog!
Thanks Sharon just come across this article from the NYT ” Attention, Team: Park Your Egos at the Door” http://nyti.ms/dZDt7Z posted by Wally Bock. Chauncey Mayfield is an advocate for balanced living. Interesting read.
Really interesting Dorothy, but the response the young man got when applying for part time work is really no different from years ago, when if a man refused a change of job for domestic reasons it always seemed to go against him when promotions and other opportunities became available.
When people work from home all the time do they not miss the interaction between their co-workers? I am sure they work longer hours(as you probably know) and in some cases isn’t that counter productive?
Hi Mum – thanks for your comment! Yes actually that was one point Brendan mentioned that people did go to the office not just for meetings but for interaction and support. What was interesting was that these employees are being measured on results and not on the traditonal way the produced them. New technology allows them to do this. So although it didn’t start off as an employee benefit -it’s becoming one. Would they continue do it if it didn’t produce good results – I doubt it!
Great article. I agree with Brendan. Work is what you do, not when or where or on what computer you do it. Of course the BYOC plan will be more difficult for some depending on security/regulatory issues but those are a minority. So nice to hear how the work world is changing, so bummed to hear how there are also those who try to bully employees into not taking reduced hours and paternity leave.
In my opinion if you have to coerce someone to stay with off-the-record veiled threats, much of your workforce is looking for somewhere else to go. Always better to be an employer people want to work for, not feel forced to.
Dorothy – Here are 3 more examples of the change you note, and as you know 3 is that all-magic number. If it’s 3 it’s Happening.
1. On a recent trip to NYC I saw and snapped a picture of an office spa – of sorts. It is a collective space where professionals sans office can come to work in a group environment when they are bored or need more stimulation than working at home provides. I’m thinking about investing in this next wave. Change is here.
2. One of my clients, VP of customer field service, and I meet at his “office,” a local coffee shop with WI-FI, couches and tables. (Not Starbucks). I was there the other day to grab a cup of java and quite expected to see him there with his usual office set up and a sign on the desk that reads, “Dan M—”
3. A real estate developer building community of homes that share a collective space asked for input about what should be in that space. “Shared collective office set up for those of us who work at home,” I replied.
Thanks Anne – sorry I missed this comment. I agree there are going to be huge changes in organisations and the way jobs and offices are structured. I read an article – can’t source it about having docking stations just like you described for home workers, small businesses or travellers to rent to set themselves up for a few hours. It’s already happening in airports. Interesting times.
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