Individual Coaching Programmes

Are you stuck in the career danger zone, perhaps want to proactively create a Personal Brand, maybe enhance your career or simply deal with a specific tricky situation?  Would you make better progress with a top level international career coach with a choice of individual coaching programmes? Perhaps you even want a programme especially designed for you. Do you lack a career strategy?

Check out these challenges.  How many are you encountering in your career or job search?


  • You want to change but don’t know why, where,when or how.
  • You feel stuck or uncertain
  • You are not producing the results you would like,  or even any results at all.
  • Or maybe you just want change at a faster pace.
  • You are not getting calls or mails from recruiters and executive search specialists.
  • Your online profile has few hits.
  • Your networking efforts are not effective.
  • You are starting to feel isolated and even depressed.


  • You want to create a promotion strategy
  • You want greater visibility in your workplace.
  • You are failing at internal interviews.
  • Colleagues are getting the interesting and rewarding assignments.
  • You have not been promoted.
  • You lack confidence or are bored and frustrated.
  • There are specific issues holding you back. You feel stuck.
  • You have a big opportunity coming up and want to create your “ A” game

These are all the same strong messages to self: something needs to be done differently.

For individual coaching programmes check out the specific modules:

Annual Coaching Contract

Perhaps you are just looking for a touchstone, someone you connect with with on a regular and structured basis to deal with the day-to-day challenges in your life or career.  You might lack role models in your organisation or are facing a longer term specific issue which you prefer to seek advice from someone outside your business or professional environment . This could be a merger,  a takeover, a move, a period of unemployment or even a personal challenge.

This annual programme of 10  x 50 minute coaching sessions,  in a 12 month period would be ideal for you.   Staged payment terms are available on this package, monthly or quarterly,  to suit every budget.

These sessions can take place via Skype or face to face to fit in with your busy schedule.  Ask for details.

Lighten your Load to boost your career

This is a coaching programme especially designed to lighten your load and tackle any self-sabotaging behaviours that interfere with career success. Many behaviours have served us well over the years. They have protected us and helped us feel secure. But for many there is a tipping point at which they become negative and damaging. We simply need to off load our baggage and dump our junk!

It is possible to change our mindset to change your approach and outlook.

Lighten your load

These behaviours can impact time management, negotiation skills, prioritising, conflict management, professional visibility and a host of other things we need to do to drive our careers forward.

Check to see if any of these resonate and if you need to lighten your load as soon as you can:

  • Perfectionism – a need for everything to be perfect can become a significant barrier to success and hold us back causing us to under-perform
  • Constant efforts to keep everything and everyone under control
  • Hanging on to the past, including: memories, “stuff” and grudges
  • Wanting to “fix” a person in your life rather than focusing on self
  • Constant disappointment when expectations are not met and when incremental improvements are not achieved
  • Relying on recognition and validation rather than focusing on self-belief
  • Talking about, but not feeling, emotions
  • Over committing saying “Yes” instead of saying “No”. The frenetic activity caused by FOMO.

How about these  – do they sound familiar?

  • A need to be right –  this is related to wanting to be in control and fear of making a mistake
  • People pleasing at the expense of our own well-being
  • Guilt-driven behaviours including over-compensation and indulgence
  • Not taking responsibility –  this can result in victim like behaviour and being defined by circumstances not by decisions
  • A tendency to analyse and rationalise situations  – this can lead to analysis paralysis and reduced compassion and empathy
  • Eliminating toxic people who exhaust our energy, take up head space and even damage our finances
  • Tolerating the intolerable
  • Accepting the unacceptable

If you want to lighten your load and boost your career to reach your potential, for a complimentary call to assess your needs. Don’t wait for a crisis.

LinkedIn Profile Review

LinkedIn is one of the major tools for establishing a solid professional presence which is critical to creating and consolidating what is known as a Personal Brand. In a  reputation economy have a strong and positive online presence is absolutely vital for any professional.   It is also one of the main tools and platforms used by hiring managers, search consultants  to identify and research candidates for their open assignments.

Many don’t understand the significance of an online presence or even how to go about setting one up.

Are you in this category?   Book a LinkedIn profile review to learn about the benefits of a complete and impactful professional profile in this one hour online session from the comfort of your own home of office:

  • Receive a personalised review of your profile
  • Learn how to optimise the main searchable fields and leverage the services provided by LinkedIn to best advantage.
  • Identify key words relevant to your goals or current or target sector
  • Use powerful language
  • Create a career strategy to boost your professional success
  • Extend your network reach
  • Raise your visibility

What are you waiting for?

Situational and customized coaching

Not all coaching can be covered by a template or pre-designed programmes no matter how good they are. So if you feel you have a situation which covers any other type of transition not mentioned in the other programmes, don’t worry. It is always possible to create one especially for you.

Topics might include:

  • grooming for promotion
  • challenging workplace situations ( bullying, harassment, conflict)
  • international assignments
  • retirement
  • trailing spouses and S.T.U.D.S.  (Spouses Trailing Under Duress Successfully)

Just ask!

How to SCORE a new job

This is  a new  intensive programme to be launched in September 2019 How to SCORE a new job.


How to SCORE a new job.

One of the things that’s difficult to manage with career transition clients is their expectations. If someone has committed to investing in themselves and their careers, they want results and they want them now, or at least ASAP. But there are many moving parts to SCORE a new job and they can become more complex the more senior an individual job seeker is. There are simply fewer jobs at the top. Sadly, there are no short cuts and no magic sauce to get to where you want to be.

But there is a methodology to help you structure your process, which will help reduce the confusion and potential stress. It takes time and effort which is why so many want to by-pass the basics and look for easy fixes which are not so easy to come by. I have created an acronym which I am going to incorporate into my new career programme in the autumn.

I call it SCORE.

The S  in SCORE is for self-awareness. 

It might seem obvious but you would be surprised how many people get to senior positions within organisations without giving themselves more than a passing thought.

The C in SCORE is for CONSIDER. 

It’s important that all job seekers sit down and reflect on their options. Now is the time to make a plan and commit to it. From here on in if you are not working in line with your goals, either your goals need to change or your behaviour does.

The O in SCORE is for OWN

This is a tough one. Many job seekers struggle to own their career achievements. They tend to get stuck in process mode, recounting their career history as a chronology and as a job description. What they need to do is own their successes and be able to share them  backed up with numbers. So many don’t have metrics to support their story. This is a gender trap for women, so ladies, take note


Your network is your net-worth. This is especially true if you want to change sectors or geographic regions. It’s important to have connections in your target area as well as the sector you are currently in.

The E in SCORE is for EXECUTE. 

This is a tough word but it means that you have to take action and be accountable to yourself, take action and deliver!  Now is the time to commit to getting things done and making job search part of your daily routine.

This is a face to face or online programme including 4 x 1.5 hour coaching sessions.

Get in touch for further information HERE  



No work networking

An effective focused programme for busy executives or anyone else at any stage in their professional life who needs strategies to raise their visibility to make greater and more lasting impact when networking.

In this intensive coaching programme you will learn:

  • How to construct a coherent message which is in line with your goals and vision suitable for pitching in a variety of situations including interview, events, conferences, informal situation.
  • How to create a networking strategy
  • How to use online networking to raise your visibility and leverage it to make live networking easier.
  • Practical networking tips to make live networking less stressful.

Face to Face3 x 1.5 hour coaching sessions + 3 months online support editing of documents and profiles

Online   3 x 1 hour sessions for online coaching   + 1.5 hours intake session  +  3 months online support editing of documents and profiles


Target your Market

Ready …. aim…. fire

This programme is for anyone who has a powerful message, a strong online presence and a clear idea of their goals but just not sure how to go about getting there.

Get support to:

  • Create a focused research strategy
  • Identify relevant contacts in target markets or sectors
  • Create strategic alliances
  • Contact with confidence
  • Receive network introductions
  • Arrange informational interviews
  • Interact with hiring managers

This programme can be covered in one  or two 1.5 hour sessions depending on the  complexity of the  transition with three months online support.

Full Career Transition Programme

This programme includes: 7 hours of coaching (face-to -face or via Skype) +  6 months job search support of  unlimited online editing of documents and profiles.   It is an intensive, holistic programme covering the whole career transition process.  The  coaching process is perfect for anyone who wants to take control of their lives and careers in one focused effort,  rather than take individual modules.

Who will this benefit and when will it be most helpful?

  • Anyone who wants to give focus and structure to their lives and careers
  • Career changers
  • Individuals who want to perfect their CVs and interview styles
  • Anyone who is moving internationally, including repatriation
  • Individuals wanting to change industry sector or function
  • Anyone wanting to leverage new skills, qualifications or experience
  • Individuals wanting to transition to the next level
  • When a sounding board is needed to navigate the job market
  • If there are issues that create obstacles to getting hired
  • When interviews do not result in job offers, or call backs
  • On job searches of more than three months without any response – even rejections
  • For individuals who have not looked for a job for more than five years
  • For individuals who have been out of the job market for a significant period (trailing spouses and returning from maternity leave)
  • For the 50 something’s
  • Executive career coaching, reflection and planning
  • For expert networking advice, to create connections to people who can provide leads and opportunities
  • When updating on technological advancements in the recruitment and executive search sector is required
  • To create a Personal Brand
  • To deal with  specific or situational career development issues

For individual modules check out the specific programmes:

  • One time Career Audit
  • Reboot your Message
  • Fast Track Visibility Programme
  • Ace that Interview
  • Target your Market
  • Dual career coaching for couples
  • Executive Image Programme
  • Custom designed programmes to meet your specific needs

One time Career Audit

A career transition can be overwhelming. There are so many things to think about that it’s hard to know where to start. A Career Audit addresses that problem from the get-go. In this 1.5 hour career audit coaching session, via Skype or face-to- face,  you will receive a professional  analysis, audit and overview of your career to date.

If you are not properly anchored everything you will seem right and you could end up wasting valuable time and energy.  Be careful not to fall into that trap. A strategic approach with a carefully constructed plan will allow you to focus on the things that matter without losing sight of the big picture.

You will also be offered the opportunity to take a psychometric competence test, from an international proprietary brand followed by a full report and debriefing. This will give you an understanding of your transferable skills, strengths and development needs.

At the career audit session you will receive detailed feedback,  which gives you a powerful long-term career management tool with techniques that you can implement  yourself if you would like to, or use as a base for continued professional support. This means you can opt to manage your career independently,  or select another coaching programme to make sure your career transition is in line with your goals and vision.

Topics covered  by this Career Audit are:

  • Basic career review – audit of professional and personal goals, values and vision
  • General SWOT analysis of career to date
  • Audit of online presence, particularly your professional profile
  • CV review
  • Network analysis
  • Identification of development needs
  • Action points for self-implementation
  • Full report
  • Psychometric testing (optional)

This process will point you in the right direction and gives you the opportunity to advance your career independently or pursue further coaching options. Please ask for fee details and indicate if you would like to include competence testing.

Reboot your Message

This Reboot Your Message programme includes 4.5 hours of coaching  (face-to -face or via Skype) +  3 months job search support and unlimited online editing of documents and profiles.

It is suitable for anyone who feels their message is tired, out of date or needs a refresh or a reboot.  It is central to the creation of a Personal Brand.

The Reboot your Message Programme will help you:

  • Identify your transferable skills
  • Formulate your value to market  proposition (U.S.P.)
  • Introduce you to powerful language
  • Create an effective and retrievable CV with an impactful mission statement
  • Showcase your achievements using the Be FABulous formula
  • Build a strong and optimized LinkedIn headline and summary
  • Improve your elevator pitch and 30 second commercial,
  • Enhance your networking skills and interview performance
  • Boost your confidence
  • Enhance your leadership skills

Fast Track Visibility Programme

This  fast Track Visibility programme covers 4.5 hours coaching sessions  (face-to-face or via Skype) +  3 months job search support and unlimited online editing of documents and profiles during this period. This programme will support you to position yourself quickly and effectively both internally within your organization, and externally on the job market.

It assumes you have a good understanding of your value to market statement, but struggle to extend your networking reach, raise your visibility and/or market your personal brand. This can be at networking events or in job interviews. There is no point having a great message if know can hear it!

The  Fast Track Visibility programme includes:

  • Audit of career and personal goals. Are they aligned?
  • Optimisation of  CV and strong key worded mission statement.
  • Maximisation of online presence and strengthening of SEO ranking.
  • Strategic networking:  creating alliances and identifying target networks.
  • Network introductions and identification of target sectors,  companies and individuals.
  • 3 months job search support  including unlimited online editing of documents and profiles.
  • Creating a strategy to raise visibility within a current organisation.

Ace that interview

This programme is for individuals who have a great value to market statement  and strong networking skills, but for some reason fail to succeed in the interview process.

Evaluation session

There is an initial evaluation and feedback of interview performance via an online interview, very often the first step in the interview process.  This can be recorded partially or totally.  1 x 45 minutes session

Focused sessions

Based on this assessment a personal programme will be created to meet individual needs and can vary in time from:

This programme offers:  Pitchcraft: The 3Ps – Prepare, Practise , Perform

  • Audit of delivery success stories, elevator sound bites, 30 second commercial and elevator pitch.
  • Feedback on non-verbal communication,
  • Feedback on verbal delivery: voice pitch, tone, and content
  • Feedback on professional image and executive presence
  • Review or create  a 30 second commercial
  • Interview preparation
  • Practise of typical  interview questions
  • Cross -cultural input
  • Coaching on different interview formats:  informational interviews,  face to face, telephone screenings, Skype interviews, behavioural interviews, group interviews, interviews to camera

The number of sessions can vary based on the number of areas of focus.


Coaching for Two Career Couples

Does this resonate?

What kind of career couple are you?

  • Two careers  –  but with individual goals?
  • One career / one job –  you have compromised or made sacrifices in your career to support your partner.
  • One career / two people –  you have given up your career to support your partner ( e.g. trailing spouse,  taking parental leave )

As a couple do you tick any of the boxes and are struggling with any of the following to achieve a true partnership?

  • an imbalance between your professional and personal lives
  • a lack of professional satisfaction, recognition or reward
  • feeling overwhelmed and over scheduled
  • lack of time for yourself
  • your relationship is suffering
  • need help defining goals
  • support to create and implement a win/win strategy
  • Need to strike a balance in household management

Our professional and personal lives are intertwined. Don’t wait for a crisis or for a perfect situation to evolve,  or an imperfect situation to self correct.  It may not happen on its own. Both your relationship and career will suffer.

 Get support to create a congruent career strategy:

  • Identify your goals, values and vision  individually and as a true partnership
  • Create a personal strategy and synthesise them into one cohesive, congruent strategy to meet your individual and joint goals
  • Identify your priorities
  • Hone your time management skills
  • Take care of  yourself
  • Nurture and protect your relationship
  • Achieve professional satisfaction and career success

Executive Presence Programme

What is executive presence? Do you have it? What are the intangibles that make the difference between being someone who stands out and  commands a room,  or are you someone who disappears  and becomes invisible in the crowd?

This programme involves  a leadership grooming programme that assesses your performance and skills in the areas that  combined make up a powerful executive presence:

  • Strategic : do you have a strategy, understand your strengths and weaknesses and have clear goals?
  • Confidence:  do you appear confident or hesitant?
  • Verbal communication:  how do you speak? Is your voice clear and language choice powerful?
  • Strong message: when you speak do people listen? Have you formulated an authoritative, succinct message?
  • Non-verbal communication? Do you display positive body language?  Do you have good posture and eye contact with a firm handshake?
  • Professional image:  is your appearance holding you back?  Do you dress for success  or do you look thrown together?  Does your professional photo do you justice  and inspire confidence or make people doubt you?

On the basis of this review,  a customized coaching programme will be designed with a team of top coaches who specialize in:

  • Career management and development
  • Confidence building
  • Communication verbal and non verbal
  • Professional image

Don’t wait for this boost to your career!



 Don’t wait to get top professional support:


A great experience

I would say first and foremost Dorothy really helped me get to the essence of where I am today career wise, and helped narrow down the options for whats next in order to make a choice that worked best for me taking into account both personal and professional needs.  It was a great experience working with Dorothy, aside from her knowledge, expertise and experience, I always felt she genuinely cared and was always authentic in how she showed up.

Nassim Ghrayeb, Innovator and Entrepreneur , Dubai/London


Nassim Ghrayeb, Innovator and Entrepreneur , Dubai/London

I would say first and foremost Dorothy really helped me get to the essence of where I am today career wise, and helped narrow down the options for whats next in order to make a choice that worked best for me taking into account both personal and professional needs.  It was a great experience working with Dorothy, aside from her knowledge, expertise and experience, I always felt she genuinely cared and was always authentic in how she showed up.

Game changing workshop

I had the opportunity to follow Dorothy’s workshop “What's a Unique Selling Proposition and how does someone like me get one?” The workshop really became a game changer for me because it inspired me to push myself to articulate more intuitively my achievements and to also clearly formulate my ambitions. They made me aware that I was unconsciously minimizing myself and that I built up my own “intrinsic ambition barriers. Dorothy’s energy and her capacity of coaching you how to be comfortable and even having fun to sell yourself are really marvellous!

Elisabeth Unterberg, TOTAL Petrochemicals


Elisabeth Unterberg, TOTAL Petrochemicals

I had the opportunity to follow Dorothy’s workshop “What's a Unique Selling Proposition and how does someone like me get one?” The workshop really became a game changer for me because it inspired me to push myself to articulate more intuitively my achievements and to also clearly formulate my ambitions. They made me aware that I was unconsciously minimizing myself and that I built up my own “intrinsic ambition barriers. Dorothy’s energy and her capacity of coaching you how to be comfortable and even having fun to sell yourself are really marvellous!

Informative and inspirational

I was delighted to attend a workshop facilitated by Dorothy in Dubai. She covered the concept of Unconscious Bias in a way that made sense and highlighted the challenges for especially women in the workplace She has great presentation skills and is an inspirational speaker. I have never been to a workshop before in the U.A.E which was so interactive and gave me food for thought for many days after. Thank you!

Rana M, Dubai U.A.E.


Rana M, Dubai U.A.E.

I was delighted to attend a workshop facilitated by Dorothy in Dubai. She covered the concept of Unconscious Bias in a way that made sense and highlighted the challenges for especially women in the workplace She has great presentation skills and is an inspirational speaker. I have never been to a workshop before in the U.A.E which was so interactive and gave me food for thought for many days after. Thank you!


“Dorothy is the ideal business partner. She goes straight to the point, picks up all the vibes and executes with creativity and speed. She is a pleasure to work with for a demanding customer. She will deliver quality, on time, every time. “Chapeau“!”

Anders Borg, President Hansar International. Former Chairman of the Association of Executive Search Consultants,Brussels


Anders Borg, President Hansar International. Former Chairman of the Association of Executive Search Consultants,Brussels

“Dorothy is the ideal business partner. She goes straight to the point, picks up all the vibes and executes with creativity and speed. She is a pleasure to work with for a demanding customer. She will deliver quality, on time, every time. “Chapeau“!”

Excellent listening and coaching skills

“Dorothy has worked with me productively while based in Brussels as well as the U.S on activities across Europe. She has the required discipline (firmness) to rule out candidates, saving me time; yet also excellent listening and coaching skills for managers.”

Ray Kubis, Executive Board Member, USA


Ray Kubis, Executive Board Member, USA

“Dorothy has worked with me productively while based in Brussels as well as the U.S on activities across Europe. She has the required discipline (firmness) to rule out candidates, saving me time; yet also excellent listening and coaching skills for managers.”

I got that promotion

A friend suggested I talk to Dorothy before my annual appraisal interview.  Although my performance reviews were fine, I had still been turned  down for two internal promotions and wanted see what I could do. Dorothy taught me some basic  preparation strategies and how to handle the interview differently to get the information I needed to prepare for future applications – whether inside the company or externally. I got that promotion!  Great support!
Pascale L Brussels

Christophe Monnier, Brussels

“A transition period is never an easy period in a professional life, being it chosen or not. Dorothy helped me dig deep into myself to extract my skills and achievements. I built a new CV, I set my goals and strategy, I made myself visible on the market. This would have not been possible without the very efficient and effective coaching of Dorothy. All of this does not make the transition easier, but Dorothy gave me the tools to go through the best possible way.”
“A transition period is never an easy period in a professional life, being it chosen or not. Dorothy helped me dig deep into myself to extract my skills and achievements. I built a new CV, I set my goals and strategy, I made myself visible on the market. This would have not been possible without the very efficient and effective coaching of Dorothy. All of this does not make the transition easier, but Dorothy gave me the tools to go through the best possible way.”

Outstanding coach

Dorothy is an outstanding coach. Clever, professional, expert, direct, emphatic. Pushing you out of your comfort zone since the very beginning of the coach session, she allows you to better understand where to improve and where to consolidate your own professional skills and attitude. At the end much of the work has to be done individually, but Dorothy’s support and advice are precious tools alongside this journey.

Stefano Arciprete, Brussels


Stefano Arciprete, Brussels

Dorothy is an outstanding coach. Clever, professional, expert, direct, emphatic. Pushing you out of your comfort zone since the very beginning of the coach session, she allows you to better understand where to improve and where to consolidate your own professional skills and attitude. At the end much of the work has to be done individually, but Dorothy’s support and advice are precious tools alongside this journey.

I was lost…

“When I contacted Dorothy I was pretty lost. Didn’t know what I wanted, what I could do or where I was going.  With incredible patience , insight and   quite a bit  of firmness she’s  supported me  while I  flailed around until  I finally formulated a plan… ”

Mary O'Neill, U.K.


Mary O'Neill, U.K.

“When I contacted Dorothy I was pretty lost. Didn’t know what I wanted, what I could do or where I was going.  With incredible patience , insight and   quite a bit  of firmness she’s  supported me  while I  flailed around until  I finally formulated a plan… ”

Prompted a journey of self-discovery

“About two years ago Dorothy helped me rewrite my CV and with  her help this turned out to be the start of a life changing journey. During the process  she made me realise that what I considered to be minor achievements or even just normal processes of evolution could, in fact, be considered by impartial observers to be significant achievements and major successes. This whole process started me thinking about my life in general with a completely different perspective. It helped me make the decision to embark on two journeys of self discovery…”
Martin H. Luxembourg

Excellent support during a difficult transition

Dorothy provided excellent support, advice and encouragement during a challenging career transition. I was grateful for the flexibility she displayed when scheduling sessions around my complicated timetable. But mostly importantly, after all her sessions, she's left me with the tools and ability to tackle future issues with confidence.

Hannah Musisi, London


Hannah Musisi, London

Dorothy provided excellent support, advice and encouragement during a challenging career transition. I was grateful for the flexibility she displayed when scheduling sessions around my complicated timetable. But mostly importantly, after all her sessions, she's left me with the tools and ability to tackle future issues with confidence.

Simply excellent..

Dorothy is simply excellent…! I had a privilege to work closely with her recently, she is trustworthy, insightful and resourceful. Thanks to her dedicated support, I could build a solid framework and milestone to make my dream come true. I would strongly recommend her for those who are looking for the first-class professional business coach to further develop their executive career.”
Junichi Kato, Singapore

The best investment I ever made in myself!

Dorothy is one of the best investments I ever made in myself. Thanks to her guidance, I found a super job in a top company in record time while building my foundation for a healthy work/private-life balance.  Dorothy’s methodology and approach proved to be exactly what I needed to achieve results in my job-search. If you are searching for someone to help you get to the next step in your professional life, or guide you to find the power to break through the glass ceiling, or if you are simply looking for someone or career coach to help you better understand yourself in order to be a happier and more effective at work: Dorothy is the one to go to“

Hanne Refslund


Hanne Refslund

Dorothy is one of the best investments I ever made in myself. Thanks to her guidance, I found a super job in a top company in record time while building my foundation for a healthy work/private-life balance.  Dorothy’s methodology and approach proved to be exactly what I needed to achieve results in my job-search. If you are searching for someone to help you get to the next step in your professional life, or guide you to find the power to break through the glass ceiling, or if you are simply looking for someone or career coach to help you better understand yourself in order to be a happier and more effective at work: Dorothy is the one to go to“

Philippe Decre, Brussels

“I was deeply impressed by the professionalism of Dorothy Dalton. I read of HTS (Hansar Transition Services) and we met for a working session. I immediately perceived the added value of her tips and the thoroughness of her recommendations. She can at a glimpse evaluate your cv and indicate the improvements that can really make the difference in a job search. I sincerely think individuals in career transition and outplacement bureaus could gain great efficiency when using her know-how and state-of-the-art competences.”
“I was deeply impressed by the professionalism of Dorothy Dalton. I read of HTS (Hansar Transition Services) and we met for a working session. I immediately perceived the added value of her tips and the thoroughness of her recommendations. She can at a glimpse evaluate your cv and indicate the improvements that can really make the difference in a job search. I sincerely think individuals in career transition and outplacement bureaus could gain great efficiency when using her know-how and state-of-the-art competences.”

Tech-savvy professional

“Working with Dorothy was an absolute pleasure! She was able to provide great input into designing the career coaching plan I wanted for my MBA students. Dorothy is a very tech-savvy professional who used her in-depth knowledge of social media, career coaching, and corporate connections to provide excellent services for my program. I look forward to continued collaboration with Dorothy and highly recommend her to other clients.”

Roderick Lewis – Fromer Director MBA Career Management Programme Lisbon


Roderick Lewis – Fromer Director MBA Career Management Programme Lisbon

“Working with Dorothy was an absolute pleasure! She was able to provide great input into designing the career coaching plan I wanted for my MBA students. Dorothy is a very tech-savvy professional who used her in-depth knowledge of social media, career coaching, and corporate connections to provide excellent services for my program. I look forward to continued collaboration with Dorothy and highly recommend her to other clients.”

Cathi C, U.S. A.

“I hadn’t worked for almost 15 years  in a corporate environment while my children were going through school and all my focus and energy had been on my family.   Via her excellent career coaching program Dorothy helped me sort out in my own mind exactly what I wanted to do with my life and guided me while I discovered the things I was really good at – I just didn’t know it,  or had simply forgotten. It’s been an illuminating and formative experience. I’m now on a completely different track looking into opening my own business”.
“I hadn’t worked for almost 15 years  in a corporate environment while my children were going through school and all my focus and energy had been on my family.   Via her excellent career coaching program Dorothy helped me sort out in my own mind exactly what I wanted to do with my life and guided me while I discovered the things I was really good at – I just didn’t know it,  or had simply forgotten. It’s been an illuminating and formative experience. I’m now on a completely different track looking into opening my own business”.

Simon Fletcher, Dubai

“I have known Dorothy for 5 years and regard her very highly as an exceptionally insightful coach and talent management strategist. Uniquely, Dorothy combines her work as an executive search specialist with career transition coaching; she is thus ideally placed to not only help organisations locate and recruit high potential, high performing executives, but help those executives in their on-boarding and transition to their new roles. Dorothy is additionally very well connected and has made several introductions to me of contacts of hers who have proven to be extremely helpful professionally. I am delighted to recommend Dorothy very highly and look forward to working further with her in the future.”
“I have known Dorothy for 5 years and regard her very highly as an exceptionally insightful coach and talent management strategist. Uniquely, Dorothy combines her work as an executive search specialist with career transition coaching; she is thus ideally placed to not only help organisations locate and recruit high potential, high performing executives, but help those executives in their on-boarding and transition to their new roles. Dorothy is additionally very well connected and has made several introductions to me of contacts of hers who have proven to be extremely helpful professionally. I am delighted to recommend Dorothy very highly and look forward to working further with her in the future.”

A great candidate experience

“Dorothy is exactly what you “wish” an International Talent Management Strategist should be: she has a deep and detailed knowledge of the subject, she is consistent and reliable, available and punctual at each step of the process and really a kind person, as well as a very talented professional. I appreciated very much her approach and style and I strongly recommend her  …

Paola Rosa Legal Manager, Italy


Paola Rosa Legal Manager, Italy

“Dorothy is exactly what you “wish” an International Talent Management Strategist should be: she has a deep and detailed knowledge of the subject, she is consistent and reliable, available and punctual at each step of the process and really a kind person, as well as a very talented professional. I appreciated very much her approach and style and I strongly recommend her  …

Highly recommended

“Who do you go to when all you know is what you don’t want to do? Dorothy!   With her career coaching, she helped me lose my negativity, rediscover my self belief, build my self-confidence and become energised. It all seemed so seamless. I had been stuck in what she calls “yes/but” for years, but taking small steps I found out where I wanted to go and to get out there and do it! She was supportive when I needed it and also demanding when she had to be. Highly recommended.”

Tracey P. Belgium


Tracey P. Belgium

“Who do you go to when all you know is what you don’t want to do? Dorothy!   With her career coaching, she helped me lose my negativity, rediscover my self belief, build my self-confidence and become energised. It all seemed so seamless. I had been stuck in what she calls “yes/but” for years, but taking small steps I found out where I wanted to go and to get out there and do it! She was supportive when I needed it and also demanding when she had to be. Highly recommended.”

I got the nudge I needed

“I was stuck on the edge of my comfort zone when Dorothy gave me a nudge over the top. I felt uncomfortable and pushed back angry, reluctant to accept responsibility for my self sabotaging tactics. When I railed she was  calm and philosophical and told me this is where change takes place and one day I would learn to own my achievements. It took me a while- but I got there. She was right! A good career coach will occasionally make us feel uncomfortable”

Beatrice C, Brussels


Beatrice C, Brussels

“I was stuck on the edge of my comfort zone when Dorothy gave me a nudge over the top. I felt uncomfortable and pushed back angry, reluctant to accept responsibility for my self sabotaging tactics. When I railed she was  calm and philosophical and told me this is where change takes place and one day I would learn to own my achievements. It took me a while- but I got there. She was right! A good career coach will occasionally make us feel uncomfortable”

Telling my friends

“Hi Dorothy – this is just to let you know that within a month of sending out my new CV which we worked on together, I landed a great job. My new employer said it is fantastic and what attracted them to me! THANK you for all your help and for introducing me to LinkedIn and 3Plus. I am telling all my friends!”

Imogen Woodward, London


Imogen Woodward, London

“Hi Dorothy – this is just to let you know that within a month of sending out my new CV which we worked on together, I landed a great job. My new employer said it is fantastic and what attracted them to me! THANK you for all your help and for introducing me to LinkedIn and 3Plus. I am telling all my friends!”