Tag Archives: career transition

10 tips for Career Changers
Tips for Career changers help to get them unstuck Career Changers are often nervous and apologetic for being uncertain about not knowing exactly they want to do. What they usually do know and are very certain about is what they don’t want to do. As Marilyn Ferguson says ” . . It’s like being between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is…
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How to create a career management strategy when ALL jobs are temporary.
So you think that change will fly by and leave your career plans untouched? You do? Then I suggest you watch this video! Do you have career insurance or a career management strategy? One of the greatest challenges is planning a career strategy in a job market that is changing faster than we are. All the goal posts…
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Portfolio Careers: impact on workplace & jobseeker
A Portfolio Career “a tapestry of a variety of eclectic employment experiences; employment in a series of short-contract or part-time positions“ Not new but on the increase The term Portfolio Career is being used in current business vernacular with the same type of smug and superior “in the know -ness,” as we might have seen when the atom was split or the wheel invented. I…
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Career changers and social networking
For anyone embarking on a job search related to career change and developing a personal brand for the first time, I outline the steps and possibilities involved. As I do so I am always aware of one thing. Their faces turning ashen as they mentally try to calculate how much time this is going to take out of their already busy day. There is a reason it’s called net “working ” ( not net “vacationing” ). It is indeed a lot of work, takes time and much of it is new.
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Funky or Functional? The USP dilemma
Creating an effective USP ( Unique Selling Proposition ) is key for any job seeker or career changer. It a major, invaluable tool in the job search tool box and will serve as a basis for: One sentence bio either written or oral Your online professional profile tagline (120 characters with spacse on LinkedIn) Any introduction…
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When is lunch with a STUD not a hot date?
When a STUD is a Spouse Trailing Under Duress I’ve just had lunch with a STUD. No, this was not a hot date, but a perfectly correct meeting with a Spouse Trailing Under Duress aka …STUD. This is an affectionately humerous moniker given in Brussels to male partners following the careers of their female counterparts.…
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Why you should network with recruiters/search consultants even when you have a job!
Why it’s important to network with recruiters The value of passive candidates I saw a post from someone recently complaining quite vociferously about being contacted by a head hunter. The message from this individual, was that if he was looking for a job he would **#!** well let them know. I checked out his LinkedIn…
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“I think therefore I exist?” Wrong…think again!
Personal Branding and the 50-somethings! Every week I get messages from executives of a certain age , partly because of my post “ Job search strategies for the 50 something’s “ A typical one would be “I m working really hard, I have contacted 4 head hunters, sent off 25 CVs, been called for 8 interviews and…
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Small decisions can create BIG changes
How good is your best? We all think we do absolutely the best we can to resolve issues that challenge us. Losing weight, getting fit, looking for a job. But do we really? As a recruiter and coach I play an active part in professional networks and also LinkedIn discussion groups. I hear and see…
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Survivor Skills for the Employed
There are many forms of career transition in a working life: starting new jobs or careers, moving geographically, becoming a trailing spouse, taking maternity leave, having a new boss, promotions, retiring and experiencing re-structuring. And of course, in today’s climate, losing jobs. But in a downturn, career transition doesn’t just cover the people who have…
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