Tag Archives: recruitment

5 tips to communicate well with a hiring manager
Every head hunter wants to identify, attract and place the best candidates. But how smoothly the whole process goes can depend on the personal relationship a head hunter or recruiter has with the hiring manager. It is it one that is too frequently overlooked. All parties have to work together to attract and hire the…
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6 sand traps that cause onboarding fails
“Start as you mean to go on” is one of those timeless great quotes and one that resonates over and over again. Working with executives in transition, I have pulled together a list of 6 major sand traps causing onboarding fails. They are the main stumbling blocks which new hires or newly promoted or transferred individuals regularly…
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10 Steps to Onboarding Success
New hires perform best when they feel integrated into a company and are relaxed, stimulated and having fun. Onboarding success occurs when new arrivals are in a supportive but structured background. All research indicates that employees who are successfully onboarded are likely to be more highly engaged and stay with an organization for longer periods.…
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Post Brexit uncertainty starts talent drain
The business world is trying to make sense of the implications of Brexit in a world now characterized by uncertainty. It was clear that this shock result, from which we are still reeling, was so unexpected that almost no one had a post Brexit plan. Against many unknown factors, businesses are trying to create strategies…
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Meaningless interviews with H.R. Really?
Why do so many underestimate interviews with H.R? I’ve heard some comments recently from candidates or job search clients related to interviews with H.R. I’ve selected two, because the others carried the same message, they were just phrased differently. Comment #1 – From a job seeking client: “I’ve only attended a series of meaningless interviews with H.R.” Comment #2 – From a…
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White noise nonsense on job search and recruitment
Do you have nonsense fatigue? I’m starting to see some backlash on the volume of white noise on LinkedIn and other platforms. One writer Cory Galbraith sent out a post which resonated. He has even taken a break from his own writing. He suggests that people write for a number of reasons – to sell a product, enhance a…
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Career managers understand the art and science of recruitment
Job search, like it’s counterpart, recruitment, is both an art and a science. It needs to be a successful combination of the strategic leveraging of technology (the science,) with advanced influencing skills, via personal branding and networking (the art.) Like the planets, when these elements are in perfect alignment, then hey-ho mission accomplished for both sides. The universe…
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Post onboarding – when the honeymoon is over
There was a great post in the 3plus eGazine this week “How to disagree with your boss and not get fired” The guest author made a connection, which you don’t see very often in leadership posts. The writer linked the value of the interview and onboarding process to the presenting leadership issue. She (he?) referred to instances where these challenges can possibly be traced …
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8 ways companies can put the “inter” back in interview
interview (n.) 1510s, “face-to-face meeting, formal conference,” from Middle French entrevue, verbal noun from s’entrevoir “to see each other, visit each other briefly, have a glimpse of,” from entre- “between” (see inter-) + Old French voir “to see” (from Latin videre;). After six years of deep recession and demand driven hiring processes, interviews have been…
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Debunking 4 online professional profiles myths
Much is written about professional profiles by many “experts” that frightens the life out of the average job seeker, or even passive candidate who simply want to have a strong online presence. The list of dos and don’ts is never-ending, with the net result that many are totally confused. I’m actually confused. There are many so-called pearls of wisdom written about…
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