Tag Archives: career transition

The golden rule to making an international move
It’s the summer, so inquiries about making an international move always rise. For me, they usually peak in September where the glow of returning to home territory is of the radio-active variety. Post Covid, people are travelling again, so this year feelings definitely seem to have intensified. Many have been released literally from the confines…
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Post-Brexit Job Search Tips
I wrote a post in 2019 about the impact on talent in the U.K. as both E.U. nationals start to repatriate or return to another parts of the E.U. and and Brits look for jobs in Europe. One element that many British nationals seem not to have fully appreciated is that they now have third country status…
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Emily in Paris and Career Coaching
An unlikely combo Emily in Paris and Career Coaching Maybe not. Read on. For anyone who lives in a box, sans Wi-Fi, “Emily in Paris” is one of Netflix latest, hottest streamed series. It tells the story of Emily Cooper a PR junior sent from her H.Q. in Chicago to the offices of a French…
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How to SCORE a new job
One of the things that’s difficult to manage with career transition clients is their expectations. If someone has committed to investing in themselves and their careers, they want results and they want them now, or at least ASAP. But there are many moving parts to SCORE a new job and they can become more complex…
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Why I may not watch your LinkedIn video
The LinkedIn video function is being touted as the new big thing. I understand the thinking. It’s a great way to showcase who you are and where and how you add value in a very personal way. It can be a compelling add-on. LinkedIn is an ideal platform for B2B marketing and research suggests that video…
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Is LinkedIn Premium effective or even discriminatory?
People frequently ask is LinkedIn Premium worth it? However this weekend I had a conversation with a group of unemployed job seekers who asked whether LinkedIn Premium is effective and even wondered if it was discriminatory. It is true, it’s not a cheap offering and for those who are unemployed or on a low or…
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Post Brexit skills shortage – Personal Stories
enty-six months ago I wrote a post on the start of the Brexit talent drain and the potential impact this would have on a post Brexit skills shortage. We have been living in an age of uncertainty ever since the June 2016 referendum. As everyone knows, uncertainty and instability are not good for business. So…
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Tinder for Talent
At a very entertaining session run by Liz Mackay, Global Head of Talent Acquisition for DSM at #Unleash18 last week, I was introduced to the concept of Tinder for Talent. As you might imagine I am not in the Tinder demographic, so was expecting eye watering revelations. Indeed the language has changed, some of the…
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Feelings in the world of AI – UNLEASH18
One of the main paradoxes of any HR conference focusing on digital and tech, is there is always as much discussion around the human element as the technical stuff. This year at UNLEASH18 I felt it was even more pronounced than usual. Threaded through the event was a strong emphasis on soft skills, emotions, relationships,…
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Cultural fit under the microscope
Devising little tests such as a hiring lunch and other tricks have always been around to test job seekers for cultural fit. Thomas Edison is famously reported to have served candidates a bowl of soup when he was interviewing for research assistants. He seemingly wanted to see whether they added salt or pepper to the…
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