Category Archives: LinkedIn

LinkedIn Love and Other Ideas
For some time now I’ve been trying to combat sexism and harassment on LinkedIn. Truthfully, it’s an uphill battle. I am not convinced I am getting anywhere at all. So I thought I really have to come at this problem from a different angle. To quote Einstein “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over…
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Time to call out unemployment bias
A hot topic in the career sector is whether job seekers should declare on LinkedIn via a hashtag system or a green circle offered by LinkedIn, that they are #ONO (Open for New Opportunities) or saying they are “Open to Work.” A significant number of people suggest this is a “sign of desperation” and are…
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Why I may not watch your LinkedIn video
The LinkedIn video function is being touted as the new big thing. I understand the thinking. It’s a great way to showcase who you are and where and how you add value in a very personal way. It can be a compelling add-on. LinkedIn is an ideal platform for B2B marketing and research suggests that video…
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Time to KonMari your Career
I started a decluttering exercise in my own life way back in 2005 when I embarked upon a downsizing process. I carried out the final effort last summer when I came across the KonMari method. Like any philosophy it is simple in concept and can be applied not only to domestic organisation, but also other…
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Why LinkedIn needs a civility button
There is much discussion around civility in the workplace and social media. On the one hand you have a demographic quoting from Orwell’s 1984 railing against “thought police” and insisting on the right to free speech. The words cancel culture and woke have crept into our vocabulary in recent months. On the other hand there…
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Toxic Talk, LinkedIn and the Anger Iceberg
Toxic talk is prevalent but has now reached LinkedIn For some years Academics have becoming increasingly concerned about the potential fallout from “uncivil discourse.” So called “toxic talk” can end up polarizing opinion “when individuals rather than issues are attacked” (Stryker, Conway, & Danielson, 2014). The concerns over incivility extend to the online information environment, where “nasty comments can…
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Why I’m LinkedOff with LinkedIn
Will me being LinkedOff with LinkedIn make a difference? I have just cancelled my premium membership to LinkedIn. You could say I’m LinkedOff with LinkedIn and have LinkedOut. Reduced professionalism Social media is awash with blogs and posts about the decline of the traditional channels. To cut to the chase, one over arching comment is this. With all the…
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Unlisted LinkedIn Groups risk creating online cliques
LinkedIn Groups changes disadvantage job seekers LinkedIn Groups was one of the first ways LinkedIn attempted to connect its membership, offering like-minded professionals an opportunity to have open and transparent conversations. It was a great place for job seekers, especially career changers, to get a feel for the career paths and backgrounds of people already in their target company, or…
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Enough! Fake LinkedIn profiles damage the network
And are a total pain! I would consider myself to be a strategic online networker. I do connect with people I don’t know if their credentials look sound. Although many LinkedIn members have devised detailed ways to quiz people on their reason for connecting, I don’t have time to decide if the owner has a fake LinkedIn profile. I have preferred…
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LinkedIn is not Facebook. Brand blurring on social media
LinkedIn is not Facebook… right? But when I look at the two platforms what I see is a blur of blue, off white and similar functionality. As a head hunter LinkedIn has become part of my daily routine. I use it in every operational and many strategic elements of my businesses. I value the content of trusted contacts and “influencers” and use…
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