Category Archives: Career Coaching Brussels

Why career advice is meaningless without context
There is no shortage of career advice, with any number of people giving tips on what and not what to do. There is even advice on what career advice to ignore. Everyone has careers, so we all believe we know what everyone else should do. But as with anything, these bumper sticker type homilies are…
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How to manage your career in times of uncertainty
My email box has been flooded over the weekend with enquiries from clients asking how “Brexshit” as I call it, will impact them. The answer is noone knows at this point, but eventually some type of calm and compromise will emerge as it always does. Official statements will be made about any impact this will…
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Career Path replaced by Cluster Career
What’s happening to the career path? We all know the concept of having a career path has shifted. Initially this was almost imperceptible, but in the last few years, it is well.. dying, some would say already dead. We saw the arrival of the portfolio career and now I’m seeing the start something else. What I’m calling a cluster career. That…
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10 Executive Presence Rules
Executive Presence Rules are confusing! No kidding! We’ve read a lot recently about executive presence and the hype associated with those indefinable characteristics style, substance and character or charisma, communication and appearance. A veritable industry has been spawned to define and navigate this amorphous concept which apparently is perceived to contribute by 26% to successful career progression. So is there…
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Can executive presence be learned?
What is executive presence? Do you have it? What are the intangibles, the “je ne sais quoi” or X Factors that make the difference between being the person who stands out and commands a room, or who disappears and becomes invisible in the crowd? How is a person able to inspire confidence and trust of those around him or her, to become a respected…
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The return of the office Christmas party
The festive period is now upon us. After several years consigned to the doldrums by diminished, recession ravaged budgets, I have it on good authority that this year, with the green shoots of recovery and buoyant economies the good old office Christmas party is back in full force. With a cautiously optimistic outlook about the future, many organisations are going back to hosting their annual office Christmas…
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Radio Interview with Mary van de Wiel – The Art of Career Transition
This is yet another illustration of the power of social media with an introduction from long time Twitter connection @CareerSherpa Hannah Morgan to Mary van de Wiel, Brand Anthropologist, creator of NY Brand Lab & Brand Audits and of Zing Your Brand. . As CEO, Brand Anthropologist at The NY Brand Lab and, a NY-based consultancy, workspace &…
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Portfolio careers: What are your tent-pole skills?
One of the buzz words reverberating around the job search market is the need to identify our tent- pole skills or skill. This is rooted in company jargon which according to Bruce Watson means: “the tent pole is a term that refers to a company’s most promising or prominent product. Generally, a tent pole generates most of an organization’s income,…
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A case for the “alpha bitch”
Suzannah works in investment banking. She is on track for a senior role and intends to have a high 6 figure salary (at least) by the time she is 40. Her goal is to break through the glass ceiling in this male dominated sector which has less than 10% women at board level. Sacrifice culture A 70 hour week…
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Why I’m bored with boards
Missed point It seems that every time I pick up a newspaper, click on a link or read a blog there something to be read about women and boards. And I’m getting bored. Now this may seem a little hypocritical coming from someone like me, as I have been very vocal over the years…
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