Category Archives: Career Coaching Brussels

Career opportunities compatible with social distancing

Career opportunities compatible with social distancing

Social distancing is going to change the way our organisations are structured and by default the career and job search landscape. In 2016, I identified an emerging trend which I call a “cluster career.”  This is a series of diversified revenue generating professional activities, operating sequentially or simultaneously. This not be confused with a career…

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CV video

Video CV – my change of heart

Anyone who knows me and reads my blog, is familiar with the lengths I would go to not to view a video CV. The words pins and eyes have been used.  Once called a “visumé” the ones I have viewed have been so toe-curlingly embarrassing, that I cringe at the mere memory of them. The…

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70 year career

Are you ready for a 70 year career?

“Live long and prosper” as the saying goes, but how are we going to handle lives that could potentially span 100 years? Life expectancy has been increasing steadily since 1840 by three months per year. Gratton and Scott in their book The 100 Year Life references research from 2009 which suggests that if the trend continues,…

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LinkedIn video

Why I may not watch your LinkedIn video

The LinkedIn video function is being touted as the new big thing. I understand the thinking. It’s a great way to showcase who you are and where and how you add value in a very personal way. It can be a compelling add-on. LinkedIn is an ideal platform for B2B marketing and research suggests that video…

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KonMari your career

Time to KonMari your Career

I started a decluttering exercise in my own life way back in 2005 when I embarked upon a downsizing process. I carried out the final effort last summer when I came across the KonMari method. Like any philosophy it is simple in concept and can be applied not only to domestic organisation, but also other…

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Lighten your load

Time to lighten your load

 Will you lighten your load in 2019? 2018 was a year with a lot going on. Some of it wasn’t great for many, with unexpected shifts in the political and economic landscape that will make the up-coming months uncertain. Brexit is is creating stress and uncertainty for 5 million people. I will be impacted for…

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3 reasons recruiters don’t respond to unsolicited CVs

Many organisations, if they have sophisticated ATS, could easily set up an automated response system acknowledging receipt of unsolicited CVs. If that isn’t happening I don’t understand why.  But even that would not appease some people, who see this lack of engagement as “inhumane” treatment. Although some recruiters are lazy, most aren’t, and there are…

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traffic light coaching

Try traffic light coaching for 2018

Today we will be inundated with posts about goal setting and New year’s resolutions. It’s well recorded that I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions especially when it comes to career goals. “In one year and out the next” is pretty accurate way to describe the process. I’ve long favoured manageable, achievable goals which…

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How to lose the disengaged employee tag

Employee engagement – or rather the lack of it, has been a hot HR topic for many years. Research from Deloitte indicates that the issues of “retention and engagement” have risen to No. 2 spot on the business agenda, “second only to the challenge of building global leadership.” This is rooted in compelling indications that…

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career transition

9 stages of career transition

Over the years I have coached probably thousands of men and women through career transition. And although each case is always unique, (everyone likes to think they are special) I have observed 9 common stages in the process which each career changer or transformer makes. 1.Detached and dissatisfied  Most people seek out professional career support…

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