Tag Archives: workplace

Career opportunities compatible with social distancing
Social distancing is going to change the way our organisations are structured and by default the career and job search landscape. In 2016, I identified an emerging trend which I call a “cluster career.” This is a series of diversified revenue generating professional activities, operating sequentially or simultaneously. This not be confused with a career…
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Workplace loneliness a new HR challenge
Addressing the modern phenomenon of workplace loneliness We are all aware of the decline of civility in public discourse and interaction. Some of the world’s top leaders are openly abusive and guilty of bullying, mobbing and gaslighting. It’s hardly surprising that these behaviours and attitudes spill over into our workplaces. Employee engagement is at an…
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Today’s skill set hierarchy is about to change
Unskilled or low value work A skill set hierarchy based on economic demand has always been impacted by technology and innovation. Think the plough.This impacts the way we value different jobs which has shifted over time. But today the pace of change has accelerated. Jobs which historically carried a higher value in the skill set…
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Today’s new uneasy employment alliance
Technology conferences have a ton of buzzwords, but two stood out at this year’s Unleash in Paris last month. These were “journey” (digital, employee, candidate) and “experience” (people, talent, employee, HR, brand.) The conversations also focused on the constant shift in workplace relationships between employer and employee which have led to the creation of a…
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Recruitment in a candidate driven market
In candidate driven markets, hiring managers are the sellers For years the recruitment process has been powered by companies in the happy position of being in the driving seat. Today, things have changed in a candidate driven market. In a supply driven market, companies posted ads, shortlisted some candidates, put them through rigorous interviews and…
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Is your job high risk for burnout?
Are you at risk for burnout? Bain and Company carried out a study in 2010 “Flexible Work Models: How to bring sustainability in a 24/7 world”) which researched 3,300 professional men and women on the adoption and effectiveness of flexible work models. It found that a lack of availability of these type of programmes, as well as their poor utilization,…
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The downside of presenteeism
Presenteeism has crept into modern day business vocabulary and is now listed as a new word in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, defined as “presenteeism (noun): working when sick especially to avoid the stigma of being absent. “
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Flame Wars – The downside of e-communication
Definition of flame wars Urban Dictionary : A flame war is a heated argument between two individuals, that results in those involved posting personal attacks on each other during or instead of debating the topic at hand. Flame mail Technology has transformed the nature of communication. Gone are the days when a letter had to…
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The Lipstick Jungle: Get me out of here!
Is there really a lipstick jungle – some would say so. For many women, organisations are not safe places. Not only are they more likely to be bullied by a man, but also by another woman. For many the lipstick jungle is real and bullying leaves indelible scars, ultimately impacting their long-term view of their…
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The Petticoat Polemic: The Role of the Organisation in Bullying
The role of the organisation in bullying This research project has been eye-opening in many ways. So many interesting and contentious points have been raised that it has taken me a while to synthesise them. What is the role of the organisation in bullying? What do they do about this phenomenon? Answer – not a…
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