Tag Archives: recruitment unconscious bias

When a coach is not a coach
Sounds crazy doesn’t it? When a coach is not a coach. And when does not being a coach become a problem? This is especially important if you think you are one already or want to become one. The word coach means different things to different people. As such it has become horribly mis and over-used.…
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Employee referrals – still a key way to get a job?
The employee referrals debate today Employee referrals programmes have been around throughout history. Research suggests that Julius Caesar created the first programme when he offered up to one-third of a soldier’s annual salary for referrals into the army. Employee referrals are a way of finding candidates for an open role by asking current employees for introductions…
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Blind interviews and voice bias
How much attention do you pay to voice when you think of a leader or when you hear a speaker? I cut my teeth on old school telephone interviewing so can confirm that voice definitely plays a role in the assessment of someone. Voices are an integral part of our identity and we can all…
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Do you trust your gut in the hiring process? Maybe stop
In any hiring process I have been involved in, if I had a Euro (or any other currency) for the number of times I have heard these phrases I could probably retire: It didn’t feel right He/she wouldn’t fit There was something about… Trusting our instincts can help us in many ways. But in some…
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Do headhunters exclude women?
The Glasshammer in a recent post has written about how executive search companies and headhunters serve to exclude women. I read it with interest and the report it was based on “And then there are none: on the exclusion of women in processes of executive search,” which appeared in Gender in Management: An International Journal in…
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Why onboarding is vital
Onboarding And why probationary periods are Ok So you’ve created a winning resume, negotiated any number of telephone screenings, sailed through all the face to face interviews, maybe even aced the behavioural tests. Finally you are opening that coveted offer letter. Your heart races as you realise you’ve landed a great job, maybe a salary increase and fantastic future career opportunities. But one phrase stands…
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