Tag Archives: leadership

Back to work challenges for HR post COVID19
Back to work challenges for HR post COVID19 are not just about high-level strategy creation. Leaders are realising that life and death can literally be around small behavioural changes. The global pandemic will have a massive impact on our workplaces with enormous back to work challenges for HR post COVID19 in the re-opening of business.…
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Career opportunities compatible with social distancing
Social distancing is going to change the way our organisations are structured and by default the career and job search landscape. In 2016, I identified an emerging trend which I call a “cluster career.” This is a series of diversified revenue generating professional activities, operating sequentially or simultaneously. This not be confused with a career…
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12 inclusion nudges to manage a remote team – from the teams
12 inclusion nudges to manage a remote team – feedback from the teams! With enforced lockdowns in many geographies, organisations have had to switch quickly to remote working. In some cases, they have been scrambling around to get the tech in place and even hardware. Not all employees have a company lap top. I know…
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Can personal workplace relationships really be regulated?
Personal workplace relationship have always been a hot topic in any organisation and an equally hot potato for HR. I have been running workshops on sexism and harassment for organisations way before all of this became a hashtag thing and the question is always posed. Many professionals today work very long hours. They tell me…
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Politics and workplace culture – Help I have a “Colin”
I was chatting to a long-standing client on Friday and she touched on the sensitivities of politics and workplace culture. As HR Director of an international and multi-cultural B2B organisation, they are trying to address issues impacting diversity, inclusion and gender balance. She is finding the polarisation of political views which are problematic in our…
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5 ways to avoid toxic workplace cultures
Very often those leading or working in toxic workplace cultures are unable to see things how they really are. Bad habits and behaviours are so deeply ingrained that the individuals involved no longer notice. Or if they do, they make excuses “That’s how he/ she is” or “that’s the way we do things here.” Then…
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Playing without the Queens. Women and Talent Management
Women and talent management: economic common sense For many it takes a small, personal, micro situation or relationship to highlight underlying macro, philosophical issues. Mine was nothing to do with any immediate connections, childhood experiences or friends. It was by interacting with total strangers in one of the most impersonal spaces – an airport.…
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Will the university of life make a comeback?
Can careers be launched from the university of life without a formal degree? Graduates are flooding the market in ever-increasing numbers to very uncertain job prospects, many with significant debts to pay off for the privilege. Employers are sifting through thousands of applications from candidates with soft degrees covering courses as disparate as puppetry to…
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