Tag Archives: executive search

Poor timekeeping – Running late – Life as a bus
Poor timekeeping I have to confess that in my time I have indeed been guilty of some erratic timekeeping. I was very much “a one more thing before I go” type of girl and a great subscriber to the phrase “fashionably late“. But then I worked for a manager who would monetize the communally wasted time whenever any of his…
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How divorce impacts executive search strategies
Does the traditional nuclear family facilitate our talent management strategies? One of the areas that anyone involved in the hiring process is not allowed to explore is the marital / relationship status of any potential candidates. I am completely supportive of this, but with the caveat that it is impossible to separate a significant part…
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Why onboarding is vital
Onboarding And why probationary periods are Ok So you’ve created a winning resume, negotiated any number of telephone screenings, sailed through all the face to face interviews, maybe even aced the behavioural tests. Finally you are opening that coveted offer letter. Your heart races as you realise you’ve landed a great job, maybe a salary increase and fantastic future career opportunities. But one phrase stands…
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Job Seekers: Adapt – Don’t Panic
Hands up anyone out there who isn’t overwhelmed by the morass of information about all the things you need to do to manage your career or job transition. How do you feel when you see the myriad of suggestions: the do’s and don’ts; the always and nevers; the 5, 10 or even 15 ways to…
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