Tag Archives: cultural fit

Feelings in the world of AI – UNLEASH18
One of the main paradoxes of any HR conference focusing on digital and tech, is there is always as much discussion around the human element as the technical stuff. This year at UNLEASH18 I felt it was even more pronounced than usual. Threaded through the event was a strong emphasis on soft skills, emotions, relationships,…
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Cultural fit under the microscope
Devising little tests such as a hiring lunch and other tricks have always been around to test job seekers for cultural fit. Thomas Edison is famously reported to have served candidates a bowl of soup when he was interviewing for research assistants. He seemingly wanted to see whether they added salt or pepper to the…
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“Whose fact is it?” Opinion & the faux professional
In an era of fake news and general misinformation is it time to challenge the faux professional? What is a faux professional? One day last week I sat with a career transition client reviewing his activity since our last session. Let’s call him Bob. It seemed that Bob had gone off plan. When looking into…
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Diversity of thought and the talent pipeline
When cultural fit is important, diversity of thought is side-lined The toughest and most re-occurring challenge for any organisation when trying to implement a diversity and inclusion policy is diversity of thought. Why? Because diversity of thought can question the fabric of an organisation’s culture. It is a change management exercise that asks everyone involved…
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