Tag Archives: career strategy

Emily in Paris and Career Coaching
An unlikely combo Emily in Paris and Career Coaching Maybe not. Read on. For anyone who lives in a box, sans Wi-Fi, “Emily in Paris” is one of Netflix latest, hottest streamed series. It tells the story of Emily Cooper a PR junior sent from her H.Q. in Chicago to the offices of a French…
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6 ways to make the most of furloughs
We are now for some people in a second or even third period of layoffs. Many complain they didn’t maximise their time in the first series and want to do better this time around. So how can you make the most of furloughs in the next round to manage your career in times of uncertainty? …
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Intertwining Ikigai and career coaching
I have always incorporated the concept of Ikigai and career coaching, although when I started doing this many years ago, I didn’t understand at the time that this was what I was actually doing. My approach has always been holistic and to avoid to siloed thinking. Our professional and personal goals not separate and unrelated…
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10 back to basics job search tips. Job seekers help yourselves!
I have been conducting a European wide search, a region in the throes of an economic depression. In the middle of a global pandemic unemployment levels are at an all time high, so I anticipated being overwhelmed by significant numbers of on-target job seekers, with difficult selection decisions to make. I was wrong. Despite there being millions of career coaches…
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Do you practise conversation hygiene?
I was introduced to this expression “conversation hygiene” by someone who is not a first language English speaker. Once I heard the words, they stuck in my head and I realised how perfect they were to describe many of the situations we all see and hear on a daily basis. Some of us don’t practise…
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5 tips to communicate well with a hiring manager
Every head hunter wants to identify, attract and place the best candidates. But how smoothly the whole process goes can depend on the personal relationship a head hunter or recruiter has with the hiring manager. It is it one that is too frequently overlooked. All parties have to work together to attract and hire the…
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Why career advice is meaningless without context
There is no shortage of career advice, with any number of people giving tips on what and not what to do. There is even advice on what career advice to ignore. Everyone has careers, so we all believe we know what everyone else should do. But as with anything, these bumper sticker type homilies are…
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Frozen eggs don’t address the real issues
I have been following with interest the recent media hype involving some high-profile companies, Apple and Microsoft, offering a frozen eggs service to their female employees. I suppose this possibly might be in the way that they might offer luncheon vouchers, concierge services or membership to a health club. Both companies hope that this move will help them attract and retain female…
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4 time management tips to work smarter not longer
Even though my kids left school years ago, I’ve always been impacted by the back to school vibe. Just like in school, it’s a great opportunity to use this symbolic period to take some refresher classes. I decided I needed to go back to school and focus on some time management tips. Why? My goal is to work smarter not longer. Click…
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Is your job high risk for burnout?
Are you at risk for burnout? Bain and Company carried out a study in 2010 “Flexible Work Models: How to bring sustainability in a 24/7 world”) which researched 3,300 professional men and women on the adoption and effectiveness of flexible work models. It found that a lack of availability of these type of programmes, as well as their poor utilization,…
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