Tag Archives: Annabel Kaye

Social media a danger zone for HR professionals
Social media is now becoming an unforeseen danger zone for HR Managers. Career coaches are constantly exhorting candidates to take care of their cyber foot print, especially at entry-level. All recruiters and head hunters usually check out applicants online before meeting them. Line managers have been warned to pay attention when liking and sharing inappropriate content…
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The Lipstick Jungle: Get me out of here!
Is there really a lipstick jungle – some would say so. For many women, organisations are not safe places. Not only are they more likely to be bullied by a man, but also by another woman. For many the lipstick jungle is real and bullying leaves indelible scars, ultimately impacting their long-term view of their…
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The Petticoat Polemic: The Role of the Organisation in Bullying
The role of the organisation in bullying This research project has been eye-opening in many ways. So many interesting and contentious points have been raised that it has taken me a while to synthesise them. What is the role of the organisation in bullying? What do they do about this phenomenon? Answer – not a…
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Mascara Mafia: To Debate Or Not?
This continues my series researching the bullying of women By women in the work place. See my 2 posts to date: Bitch or Bully: The Pink Elephant and The Lipstick Jungle: Female Saboteurs The response I originally set out to benchmark a client’s experience. If I had any preconceived notions, they were centred around…
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The Lipstick Jungle: Female saboteurs
Bullying by Women in the Workplace – Part The sabotaging of women BY women. As part of my series of bullying by women in the work place started in “Bitch or Bully: The Pink Elephant” Now we are looking at female saboteurs. Complex and confusing I am exploring a number of complex and often confusingly…
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Bitch or Bully: The Pink Elephant
Part I of 5 in my series on bullying by women in the work place.
Part 2: The Lipstick Jungle: Female Saboteurs Part 3: The Mascara Mafia Part 4: The Petticoat Polemic: the role of the organisation
Part 5: Whatever happened to Jane?
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