Category Archives: Work/life balance

Workplace loneliness a new HR challenge
Addressing the modern phenomenon of workplace loneliness We are all aware of the decline of civility in public discourse and interaction. Some of the world’s top leaders are openly abusive and guilty of bullying, mobbing and gaslighting. It’s hardly surprising that these behaviours and attitudes spill over into our workplaces. Employee engagement is at an…
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Diversity and Inclusion Recruitment – Beyond the Hype
Diversity and Inclusion recruitment processes and workforces are the buzz words right now. If the level of white noise was a benchmark, we should be there and all sorted. But we’re not. So what’s going on behind the hype? Why aren’t diversity and inclusion recruitment initiatives working? I see regular, but superficial posts about the…
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Presence culture barrier to women’s career success
A presence culture is the current barrier to keep women out of the corporate sandbox One of the many challenges women face in the pursuit of their careers is the widespread existence of a “presence culture” in male-dominated corporate organisations. Here, highly visible long working hours are rewarded and therefore encouraged, as employees feel they have to make themselves available for their employer.…
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The phrase “having it all” rears its ugly head again
Having it all – a blast from the past The phrase ‘having it all’, the famous tagline coined by the original Superwoman Shirley Conran, has plagued us since 1975 which truthfully started all this nonsense. I had hoped it had disappeared for ever. It conned women into believing that we could ‘have it all’ when it actually means ‘doing it all’ or ‘managing it all’. It…
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Extreme commuting! Why more of us are becoming Super Commuters
Limited local opportunities, expanded job markets and better value housing further from city centres are prompting more and more people to undertake longer commutes. Factoring in the career of a spouse or partner, slumps in housing markets making it difficult to sell or rent property, as well as issues impacting kid’s educations, commuting rapidly becomes the most viable…
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A great divide: planned parenthood and corporate planning
Planned parenthood is commonplace for professional men and women today. Yet organisations seem to have contingency plans in place for anthing from a terroist threat to natural disasters, but not maternity leave. Why is that?
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Age 70 for retirement? Bring forward workplace changes
Why wait until 2040 to implement workplace changes for older workers who are opting for a later retirement? I seem to be receiving lots of invitations to retirement parties recently. A number of my friends and associates are heading off into the sun or sunset with a variety of fabulous plans: sailing around the Mediterranean…
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BYOC : Unexpected work/life bonus
I recently found myself, somewhat unexpectedly spending rather more time than I would have liked, in the departure lounge of Fiumicino Airport, Rome. It’s a long story, one that doesn’t even matter and with everything going on in Syria, Libya and Japan, I’m not even going to make the mildest protest. But I have actually…
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Home and work: Balance or convergence?
Transplanting biz strategies into the home The gender split of household duties and child care as well as a general work/ life balance, is one of the most talked about issues in any group of working women whether on-line or IRL. In a women’s online professional forum I have recently joined as a mentor, the…
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The season of discontent: Singles speak out
The holiday period can be a season of discontent for some I have spent time over the years large numbers of younger high-powered professionals. What they all had in common was that they were either single, or if they were in relationships, they had no children. Young and fancy free – sounds fun right? Well…
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