Category Archives: networking
How to tap into technology to network effectively
Never has the circulation of information been faster. At the touch of a screen which can be as small as the palm of a hand, we have access to information on a scale never been seen before. We can also share data about ourselves and others in a nano second whether it’s an update on…
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Do you have a “Go-To” Top 10?
All of us have situations which are problematic. They can range from minor irritations and something irksome, to outright emergencies. To get out of a hole we might need repairmen, baby sitters or service providers in a wide range of fields. But one area which we woefully neglect is the development of strategic alliances to support an emergency in our…
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B.A.S.I.C: A Networking strategy for Women
Create a simple networking strategy I was invited recently to a corporate sponsored (this is important) golf outing as a guest for the social only, clearly being expected to play to my strengths! My short game is somewhat longer than it should be. As I waited at the bar in the club house for my host, I observed the players coming off the course…
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Get out of the job search advice maze
Navigating the job search maze Create your own Job Search Advisory Board If you Google “job search tips” there are 460 million entries. Now I haven’t looked further than the first 3 pages, but I can imagine they contain some widely differing nuggets of advice. Add to this, the well intended input from friends, family, colleagues and bosses,…
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Ladies! Will an interest in men’s sports advance your career?
Last year at exactly this time, while I was working I must confess, being a sucker for a good ceremony, I was maintaining a watchful half eye on the biggest pageant the world has seen for a very long time – THE Royal Wedding. Keeping me company was an old friend and business associate –…
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Are you ready for a professional emergency landing?
Many of us sit on aeroplanes, especially frequent flier business trips and watch the cabin crew go through the emergency procedures with tuned-out indifference. We know the drill because we’ve seen it possibly hundreds of times in our lifetimes. Despite the commentary that all should pay attention, we dutifully turn off our electronic devices as…
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Women and salary negotiation. Do you know your own market-value?
Salary negotiation from a position of strength We wouldn’t dream of selling our homes without knowing it’s value on the market. Why do we approach salary negotiation from a place of ignorance or misinformation, Price awareness We live in a culture where most women know the the value of their homes on the property market. We…
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Personal Branding Conflict: Who Owns Your Online Contacts
The question of who owns your online contact is a murky issue But a problem waiting to happen. Personal Branding as a career management tool for all employees and job seekers has been strongly encouraged since Tom Peters urged us all to become our own Chief Marketing Officers. Today, many employees network strategically in both their personal and professional…
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I “link” therefore I exist! Modern connectivity
Drowning in the Google pool and sinking into oblivion Modern connectivity There was a time probably no more than 5 years ago, when I could do my job very effectively by going into my contact data base and simply picking up the phone. Those days are gone. In 2008, as world markets crashed taking many…
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Criteria for a strategic network
Although not an open networker, I am a strategic one and I have over time become an advocate of the theory that there is strength in a weak network. I don’t connct with just anyone and everyone, but I don’t mind if I don’t know the individual personally. That particular connection may not be directly helpful, but perhaps will be connected to someone who might be. Being naturally curious I am always open to meeting new people.
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