Category Archives: LinkedIn

Job Search Visibility: Are you missing in action?
Fixing your job search visibility I have spent the past week with two different women, of two different ages. Their backgrounds could not be further apart. One is a young graduate, seeking entry-level employment, the other a woman in her 40s, with extensive supply chain and procurement experience, as well as an MBA. She has…
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The new actively passive candidates
According to research carried out by international organisations such as Manpower and Deloitte, there are many indications that after a period of cautiousness brought about by stringent economic times, a high percentage of employees will now be open to new job opportunities. The numbers range from 66% – 84%, but whichever one you take, they…
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Staying on message: A job search challenge
How much to share and with whom? Another confusing area for job seekers is how much information to share in the job search process. This is another topic where every man, woman, child and goldfish has an opinion. Using buzz speak this is about brand alignment, when we are all supposed to produce consistent personal…
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New year and new decade. Plunging into a crowded talent pool
Employed during the recession but ready to make a move? The last 2 years have seen dramatic changes in the job search market characterised by massive job reductions and a significant discrepancy between the number of job seekers and jobs created. Those that were fortunate to remain employed during that period, kept their heads down,…
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Why you should network with recruiters/search consultants even when you have a job!
Why it’s important to network with recruiters The value of passive candidates I saw a post from someone recently complaining quite vociferously about being contacted by a head hunter. The message from this individual, was that if he was looking for a job he would **#!** well let them know. I checked out his LinkedIn…
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Is coaching elitist?
Why I don’t think so Over the past few months, I have received a number of emails from individuals who believe that coaches in general (and that includes me) are aiming the content of their blogs, articles and programmes at people who are already successful, but are somehow just temporarily, and somewhat inconveniently, experiencing a little glitch on the golden…
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Career changers need to walk the talk!
Challenges for Career Changers 50% of my coaching clients are career changers aspiring to move out of their existing sectors, some perhaps that have been hard hit by the recession (automotive, logistics, manufacturing, financial services) and into hot predicted growth areas for 2010 such as Clean Tech, IT, renewable energy, healthcare, personal development education and re-cycling. Many job seekers complain bitterly of…
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Motherhood and the CV Gap
Wally Bock in Momentor says about Motherhood and the CV gap “Even with men taking paternity leave, women face a career challenge that few if any men will ever face. This one of those situations where there are no easy answers, only intelligent choices. Dorothy Dalton lays them out for you in what is the…
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“I think therefore I exist?” Wrong…think again!
Personal Branding and the 50-somethings! Every week I get messages from executives of a certain age , partly because of my post “ Job search strategies for the 50 something’s “ A typical one would be “I m working really hard, I have contacted 4 head hunters, sent off 25 CVs, been called for 8 interviews and…
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The strength of a weak network
The strength of a weak network in executive search and job seeking.
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