Category Archives: job seeker

HELP! I hate my job!
What to do when you HATE your job with a passion! I spent time last week coaching a young professional who hated his job in a small, family run organisation. In fact he hated it so badly that the things he claimed he would rather be doing instead, covered all manner of unspeakable things, too…
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New year and new decade. Plunging into a crowded talent pool
Employed during the recession but ready to make a move? The last 2 years have seen dramatic changes in the job search market characterised by massive job reductions and a significant discrepancy between the number of job seekers and jobs created. Those that were fortunate to remain employed during that period, kept their heads down,…
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Grey Matters: Workplace Wisdom
Recently I have had conversations with three very different individuals who wanted to return to the workplace for a range of reasons: Maria had recently lost her husband and saw returning to work as a way of supplementing her income and giving structure to her new life as a widow. Bob had suffered badly in…
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Can you risk not having a career strategy?
As the number of permenant jobs shrinks and the competition hots up – can you afford not to have a career management strategy?
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Don’t be afraid of “NO” in negotiation
Salary negotiation and gender divide. Making the most of ” No”
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Facts Talk!
Do you fill your life with “busy-ness” so that you can avoid doing things that make you feel uncomfortable?
You do? Well read on..!
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Mind Management: Beat Negative Thinking
Even outwardly successful people fail to market themselves in the right way. They sabotage and block their own progress with negative thinking. How can you deal with that?
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Choose your words wisely!
Inspired by Wally Bock Divided by a common language Chatting on Twitter the other night, Wally mentioned in passing that he was a vet. Wow I thought. He’s an international leadership guru , writer, poet AND a vet. That’s pretty amazing. I went into recruiter mode. Thoughts about wide ranging skill sets , the long…
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When does “tailoring” your resumé become falsification?
I have recently become involved in several quite heated discussions about both “beefing up” resumés, or “dumbing” them down. Where do you draw the line when you are desperate to find a job that might be crucial to your economic survival? When does tailoring a resume become out right lying and falsification? As a coach,…
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