Category Archives: Gender and domestic responsibilities

Choreplay – 50 Shades of Housework
There has been lot of conflicting information out there linking sex and housework for a long time. Jumping rather than leaning into it, we have Sheryl Sandberg CEO of Facebook in the New York Times, who has just resurrected the concept of choreplay. That is, men should be enticed to engage in household chores as part of a woman’s gender balance strategy. Why? Because it will improve their…
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When will we see the term “Career Dad”?
I just realised we have phrases for: stay at home Mum career woman stay at home Dad ?????? Where is the term “career father” or “career dad”? It would seem that terms have crept into our language to cover the work-parenting continuum with one noted exception. We are left with the assumption that men, even when they…
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Is couple’s career coaching the new way forward?
I recently had a call asking me if I did couples coaching and family planning. I told the gentlemen he had the wrong number. The phone rang again. It was the same chap. No he insisted. Are you the Dorothy Dalton who does career transition coaching and wrote Children: A Corporate inconvenience and The Great Divide: Planned Parenthood and Corporate Planning? Why ..? I…
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Home and work: Balance or convergence?
Transplanting biz strategies into the home The gender split of household duties and child care as well as a general work/ life balance, is one of the most talked about issues in any group of working women whether on-line or IRL. In a women’s online professional forum I have recently joined as a mentor, the…
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The season of discontent: Singles speak out
The holiday period can be a season of discontent for some I have spent time over the years large numbers of younger high-powered professionals. What they all had in common was that they were either single, or if they were in relationships, they had no children. Young and fancy free – sounds fun right? Well…
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Superwoman: an out moded concept
Mushrooms, breasts and dentists Yes there’s a link to why superwoman an outmoded concept is still being regurgitated in the 21st century ! Like many professional women in the 80s, I got caught up in the Shirley Conran philosophy that smart women could indeed succeed in a career, cope with motherhood and still have…
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