Category Archives: Career Development

Video CV – my change of heart
Anyone who knows me and reads my blog, is familiar with the lengths I would go to not to view a video CV. The words pins and eyes have been used. Once called a “visumé” the ones I have viewed have been so toe-curlingly embarrassing, that I cringe at the mere memory of them. The…
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Why upskilling and reskilling are important
Upskilling defined as: learn new skills or to teach workers new skills: Re-skilling defined as;: teach (a person, especially an unemployed person) new skills. Our workplaces are changing faster than ever before and key skills learned in an academic setting are becoming outdated fast. A growing number of employers are no longer asking for college degrees. Upskilling and reskilling are more than…
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Why I may not watch your LinkedIn video
The LinkedIn video function is being touted as the new big thing. I understand the thinking. It’s a great way to showcase who you are and where and how you add value in a very personal way. It can be a compelling add-on. LinkedIn is an ideal platform for B2B marketing and research suggests that video…
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Brexodus job search tips
I wrote last year about the impact on talent as EU nationals seek to leave the UK to either repatriate or find another European home. But now Brexodus has ratched up a gear. I am experiencing a spike of unsolicited requests from British nationals wanting to relocate to the EU. The phrase sinking ships comes…
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Time to lighten your load
Will you lighten your load in 2019? 2018 was a year with a lot going on. Some of it wasn’t great for many, with unexpected shifts in the political and economic landscape that will make the up-coming months uncertain. Brexit is is creating stress and uncertainty for 5 million people. I will be impacted for…
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9 stages of career transition
Over the years I have coached probably thousands of men and women through career transition. And although each case is always unique, (everyone likes to think they are special) I have observed 9 common stages in the process which each career changer or transformer makes. 1.Detached and dissatisfied Most people seek out professional career support…
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When to ask for flexible working in the hiring process
There is much confusion about when to ask for flexible working in the hiring process. Karen Mattison MBE Joint CEO of Timewise writing about requests for flexible hours in the Guardian complains about the lack of transparency in recruitment processes and how asking for flex conditions as a candidate is “like playing poker.” She maintains that…
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How to cultivate gravitas
You can cultivate gravitas with inside out work Many think it is not is possible to cultivate gravitas, which is considered to be central to executive presence. That elusive quality said to contribute by 25% towards career success. It seems it can be acquired by anyone, at any age. It’s about presenting your best self, all the…
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Career Path replaced by Cluster Career
What’s happening to the career path? We all know the concept of having a career path has shifted. Initially this was almost imperceptible, but in the last few years, it is well.. dying, some would say already dead. We saw the arrival of the portfolio career and now I’m seeing the start something else. What I’m calling a cluster career. That…
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Unconscious bias dries up the tech talent pipeline
At a dinner party last week I was asked by a yummy mummy, what field should she encourage her daughter to go into and what academic choices would I advise she make? The kid is 8. Now my first instinctive reaction was that this was more than a little over the top. I wondered if I had encountered a good dose of PMS (Pushy Mother Syndrome)…
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