Category Archives: Bullying by women
The dark side of humour
The right to be offensive Workplace humour has a dark side. “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire I found myself the other evening at the heart of a heated dinner debate and somewhat surprisingly not in the majority camp either. The issue:…
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Moving on from bullying: leave a legacy
This post was orignally a guest post for Ann Lewis author of “Recover your balance: How to bounce back from bad times at work” Take a stand In my research for my series on the bullying of women in the work place by women, I was contacted by a huge number of women and somewhat…
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Women and workplace bullying. Whatever happened to Jane?
One story on women and workplace bullying A few months ago I wrote about a client who I called Jane. She sparked my interest in workplace bullying, specifically in the bullying of women by women. It was enlightening and eye-opening. I shared my discovery experience of the whole process via a series of posts, which hopefully you…
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The Lipstick Jungle: Get me out of here!
Is there really a lipstick jungle – some would say so. For many women, organisations are not safe places. Not only are they more likely to be bullied by a man, but also by another woman. For many the lipstick jungle is real and bullying leaves indelible scars, ultimately impacting their long-term view of their…
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The Petticoat Polemic: The Role of the Organisation in Bullying
The role of the organisation in bullying This research project has been eye-opening in many ways. So many interesting and contentious points have been raised that it has taken me a while to synthesise them. What is the role of the organisation in bullying? What do they do about this phenomenon? Answer – not a…
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Mascara Mafia: To Debate Or Not?
This continues my series researching the bullying of women By women in the work place. See my 2 posts to date: Bitch or Bully: The Pink Elephant and The Lipstick Jungle: Female Saboteurs The response I originally set out to benchmark a client’s experience. If I had any preconceived notions, they were centred around…
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The Lipstick Jungle: Female saboteurs
Bullying by Women in the Workplace – Part The sabotaging of women BY women. As part of my series of bullying by women in the work place started in “Bitch or Bully: The Pink Elephant” Now we are looking at female saboteurs. Complex and confusing I am exploring a number of complex and often confusingly…
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Bitch or Bully: The Pink Elephant
Part I of 5 in my series on bullying by women in the work place.
Part 2: The Lipstick Jungle: Female Saboteurs Part 3: The Mascara Mafia Part 4: The Petticoat Polemic: the role of the organisation
Part 5: Whatever happened to Jane?
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