Tag Archives: hiring processes

Applying for a job without all the qualifications
In today’s job market, many job seekers are concerned about applying for a job without all the qualifications. The question is should they apply anyway, or wait until a role where they tick all the boxes comes along. In a recent search I ran 86% of the candidates were not on target. Another search for a…
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Bypassing the Hiring Process. Yes, No or Maybe?
Bypassing the hiring process can work, but it is not always advisable There is a story in Greek mythology of Hydra, a monster with many heads and deadly poisonous breath. For every head chopped off, the Hydra would regrow two heads and the only way to deal with this was with swords and fire. We…
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7 hiring biases we have to manage Post COVID19
Our recruitment systems are riddled with hiring biases They always have been. But we need to manage them more urgently than ever post COVID19. If anyone had said on January 1, 2020, that within four months most of those who could, would be working from home, would you have believed them? If they went on…
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