Tag Archives: hiring manager

How to make your interview process more inclusive
The hiring process for most organisations is flawed throughout and riddled with unconscious bias. Despite good intentions, there is no doubt that unconscious bias is the barrier to diversity. It’s important you understand how to make your interview process more inclusive as part of your hiring best practices. Inclusive hiring Inclusive hiring is an equitable…
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5 tips to communicate well with a hiring manager
Every head hunter wants to identify, attract and place the best candidates. But how smoothly the whole process goes can depend on the personal relationship a head hunter or recruiter has with the hiring manager. It is it one that is too frequently overlooked. All parties have to work together to attract and hire the…
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Makeup: A career issue for both men and women!
How makeup is impacting the workplace I was facilitating a meeting in Paris some years ago and one delegate asked about women, makeup and career advancement. Is makeup a career issue? In a professional world driven by gender stereotypes – of course it’s an issue for both men and women. There wasn’t time to go…
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