Tag Archives: constructive communication

12 inclusion nduges to manage a remote team

12 inclusion nudges to manage a remote team – from the teams

12 inclusion nudges to manage a remote team  – feedback from the teams! With enforced lockdowns in many geographies, organisations have had to switch quickly to remote working. In some cases, they have been scrambling around to get the tech in place and even hardware. Not all employees have a company lap top. I know…

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personal workplace relationships

Can personal workplace relationships really be regulated?

Personal workplace relationship have always been a hot topic in any organisation and an equally hot potato for HR. I have been running workshops on sexism and harassment for organisations way before all of this became a hashtag thing and the question is always posed. Many professionals today work very long hours. They tell me…

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Politics and Workplace culture

Politics and workplace culture – Help I have a “Colin”

I was chatting to a long-standing client on Friday and she touched on the sensitivities of politics and workplace culture. As HR Director of an international and multi-cultural B2B organisation, they are trying to address issues impacting diversity, inclusion and gender balance. She is finding the polarisation of political views which are problematic in our…

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Accused of being a bully: “I meant'” vs “They heard”

I have been involved in many bullying cases from the point of view of the target. Interestingly I have been approached twice in the past week by individuals who have been on the other end of the accusation spectrum. They told me in horrified tones  “I have just been accused of being a bully.” Both were delivering feedback related to poor performance  to a…

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