Tag Archives: career development

Emily in Paris and Career Coaching
An unlikely combo Emily in Paris and Career Coaching Maybe not. Read on. For anyone who lives in a box, sans Wi-Fi, “Emily in Paris” is one of Netflix latest, hottest streamed series. It tells the story of Emily Cooper a PR junior sent from her H.Q. in Chicago to the offices of a French…
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LinkedIn Love and Other Ideas
For some time now I’ve been trying to combat sexism and harassment on LinkedIn. Truthfully, it’s an uphill battle. I am not convinced I am getting anywhere at all. So I thought I really have to come at this problem from a different angle. To quote Einstein “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over…
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LinkedIn Polls: a Plague or a Plus?
I work mainly with people who are on LinkedIn but who don’t / won’t engage. The two main reasons given are the unrelenting self-promotion of some members, and the inappropriate behaviour towards women. Increasingly I am hearing a third answer. LinkedIn polls. Plague of LinkedIn polls My own observation is that they are on the…
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Some Recruitment Myths 2021 Debunked
I have tackled this topic three times before in 2009, 2013 and again in 2020 to manage expectations between job seekers and recruiters. There is a massive chasm in expectations which I believe is the source of miscommunication and frustration. In 2021 because the issue is as entrenched as ever. The result is a ping…
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Is it time to rename the hidden job market?
I’ve seen some hot discussions between recruiters around terminology and data used in the career coaching sector. The one that makes temperatures rise is the phrase “the hidden job market.” As someone who sits on both sides of the table, I have sat back in reflection mode monitoring what has been going on. I’ve also…
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Career opportunities compatible with social distancing
Social distancing is going to change the way our organisations are structured and by default the career and job search landscape. In 2016, I identified an emerging trend which I call a “cluster career.” This is a series of diversified revenue generating professional activities, operating sequentially or simultaneously. This not be confused with a career…
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Does your career need a health check?
How healthy is your career? Do you have a plan?
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