Tag Archives: Career Coach

White noise nonsense on job search and recruitment
Do you have nonsense fatigue? I’m starting to see some backlash on the volume of white noise on LinkedIn and other platforms. One writer Cory Galbraith sent out a post which resonated. He has even taken a break from his own writing. He suggests that people write for a number of reasons – to sell a product, enhance a…
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The downside of presenteeism
Presenteeism has crept into modern day business vocabulary and is now listed as a new word in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, defined as “presenteeism (noun): working when sick especially to avoid the stigma of being absent. “
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Women and salary negotiation. Do you know your own market-value?
Salary negotiation from a position of strength We wouldn’t dream of selling our homes without knowing it’s value on the market. Why do we approach salary negotiation from a place of ignorance or misinformation, Price awareness We live in a culture where most women know the the value of their homes on the property market. We…
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Ladies, what would make you take industrial action?
I recently watched “Made in Dagenham” , a movie made about the women machinists at Ford’s Dagenham factory who downed tools in 1968, in protest that they were classed as unskilled workers, while male colleagues doing the same job were thought to be skilled and therefore paid much more for their efforts. The three-week strike brought production…
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Is coaching elitist?
Why I don’t think so Over the past few months, I have received a number of emails from individuals who believe that coaches in general (and that includes me) are aiming the content of their blogs, articles and programmes at people who are already successful, but are somehow just temporarily, and somewhat inconveniently, experiencing a little glitch on the golden…
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