Category Archives: Women and Board level positions
5 types of senior women who don’t care about the talent pipeline
Over recent years we have seen untold column inches and broadcasting minutes given over to the lack of women at a senior level in almost all organizations. But organizations are pyramids and the number of openings at the top of the pile is limited, leaving competition tight for men and women alike. Only 18 women…
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Why I’m bored with boards
Missed point It seems that every time I pick up a newspaper, click on a link or read a blog there something to be read about women and boards. And I’m getting bored. Now this may seem a little hypocritical coming from someone like me, as I have been very vocal over the years…
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A great divide: planned parenthood and corporate planning
Planned parenthood is commonplace for professional men and women today. Yet organisations seem to have contingency plans in place for anthing from a terroist threat to natural disasters, but not maternity leave. Why is that?
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Playing without the Queens. Women and Talent Management
Women and talent management: economic common sense For many it takes a small, personal, micro situation or relationship to highlight underlying macro, philosophical issues. Mine was nothing to do with any immediate connections, childhood experiences or friends. It was by interacting with total strangers in one of the most impersonal spaces – an airport.…
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Re-thinking our think tanks
Women an untapped resource for our male dominated think tanks The World Economic Forum, one of the world’s most recognised think tanks, issued a report indicating long-term talent management issues were actually being concealed by high levels of unemployment. “In today’s global and fast-changing business environment, access to highly skilled people – not just top talent,…
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10 ways women supposedly sabotage their careers!
Career advice for women? Seriously? My good friend Silvana Delatte sent me this link from Business Insider about a laminated sheet supposedly issued by the HR department of Citibank on how women sabotage their careers. If this is not a spoof (which I suspect it might be) then it makes interesting, if not incredible (as…
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Women and networking: strategic or simply social?
Women and networking. Another hornet’s nest Last week was a busy week for women! It started off with Katherine Bigelow winning an Academy Award for Best Director for The Hurt Locker, followed swiftly by International Women’s Day. Much was written about women’s roles, the progress they have made and the steps they could make in the future. Then the wives of the UK party…
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