Category Archives: time management
Mad Men poll from the Economist : Women and MBAs
Mad Men meets Stepford Wives in outdated Economist poll Named Editor of the Year in 2012, Mr John Micklethwait is Editor-in Chief of the Economist. Given his background, as a leading figure in global intellectual and business media, one would assume that he is a pretty smart and savvy gentleman. The Economist is normally associated with balanced,…
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The season of discontent: Singles speak out
The holiday period can be a season of discontent for some I have spent time over the years large numbers of younger high-powered professionals. What they all had in common was that they were either single, or if they were in relationships, they had no children. Young and fancy free – sounds fun right? Well…
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Does your career need a health check?
How healthy is your career? Do you have a plan?
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Facts Talk!
Do you fill your life with “busy-ness” so that you can avoid doing things that make you feel uncomfortable?
You do? Well read on..!
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Mind Management: Beat Negative Thinking
Even outwardly successful people fail to market themselves in the right way. They sabotage and block their own progress with negative thinking. How can you deal with that?
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Career Management: A Learned Skill
Countless numbers of CVs cross my screen every day, either from candidates in the search process, or clients involved in transition coaching. So I’m pretty familiar with them. Jim Rohn usefully tell us “To solve any problem, there are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And…
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