Category Archives: Professional qualifications

The value of references in the hiring process
There is a lot of social media white noise around the value of references in the hiring process. As with everything today opinions are divided and polarised. I mean….. really? People actually feel strongly about references? Seemingly they do. Pros and cons Many people underestimate the value of references in the hiring process. But that…
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Continuous learning can no longer be a hobby
Will talent become an individual or enterprise asset in the next normal? One thing is certain: continuous learning can no longer be a hobby. The discussion around who will be responsible for making sure that economies and companies have the right skills and talent for next normal is already cranking up. The pandemic has impacted our…
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The Feminisation of HR
Does the feminisation of HR have a downside? The feminisation of HR has been creeping up on us for years. I was recently involved in an executive search for an upper level middle management HR position. The European VP asked me to try to produce a gender balanced short list. Now, this is not what…
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