Category Archives: Performance assessment

12 inclusion nudges to manage a remote team – from the teams
12 inclusion nudges to manage a remote team – feedback from the teams! With enforced lockdowns in many geographies, organisations have had to switch quickly to remote working. In some cases, they have been scrambling around to get the tech in place and even hardware. Not all employees have a company lap top. I know…
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Makeup: A career issue for both men and women!
How makeup is impacting the workplace I was facilitating a meeting in Paris some years ago and one delegate asked about women, makeup and career advancement. Is makeup a career issue? In a professional world driven by gender stereotypes – of course it’s an issue for both men and women. There wasn’t time to go…
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Why onboarding is vital
Onboarding And why probationary periods are Ok So you’ve created a winning resume, negotiated any number of telephone screenings, sailed through all the face to face interviews, maybe even aced the behavioural tests. Finally you are opening that coveted offer letter. Your heart races as you realise you’ve landed a great job, maybe a salary increase and fantastic future career opportunities. But one phrase stands…
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