Category Archives: motivation

HELP! I hate my job!
What to do when you HATE your job with a passion! I spent time last week coaching a young professional who hated his job in a small, family run organisation. In fact he hated it so badly that the things he claimed he would rather be doing instead, covered all manner of unspeakable things, too…
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Grown up gap years: avoiding burn out
Mid career gap years. How to stay sane and avoid burn out Just before Christmas I had an email from Thailand from an ex-business associate. He was in between jobs and had negotiated a six month career gap. At 45 he had been working his socks and body parts off for over 20 years and needed…
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Career changers need to walk the talk!
Challenges for Career Changers 50% of my coaching clients are career changers aspiring to move out of their existing sectors, some perhaps that have been hard hit by the recession (automotive, logistics, manufacturing, financial services) and into hot predicted growth areas for 2010 such as Clean Tech, IT, renewable energy, healthcare, personal development education and re-cycling. Many job seekers complain bitterly of…
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Women who make it happen
Women who make it happen! Start up success stories. Women as Entrepreneurs
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Career reflection: Could you get your own job?
What would happen if you had to apply for your own job? In the past year I have been conscious of, and written extensively about, the pace of change in my particular field which seems to be greater than ever before. It’s hard to keep up! Every time I learn something new, I have to get…
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Does your career need a health check?
How healthy is your career? Do you have a plan?
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Job search strategies for the 50 somethings
Job search strategies for the 50 somethings
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Some recruitment myths debunked 2020
Job seekers are disappointed and frustrated by the job seeking process. Find out why and what can be done differently to avoid disaapointment.
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Facts Talk!
Do you fill your life with “busy-ness” so that you can avoid doing things that make you feel uncomfortable?
You do? Well read on..!
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Mind Management: Beat Negative Thinking
Even outwardly successful people fail to market themselves in the right way. They sabotage and block their own progress with negative thinking. How can you deal with that?
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