Category Archives: mission statement

Job Search Visibility: Are you missing in action?
Fixing your job search visibility I have spent the past week with two different women, of two different ages. Their backgrounds could not be further apart. One is a young graduate, seeking entry-level employment, the other a woman in her 40s, with extensive supply chain and procurement experience, as well as an MBA. She has…
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Staying on message: A job search challenge
How much to share and with whom? Another confusing area for job seekers is how much information to share in the job search process. This is another topic where every man, woman, child and goldfish has an opinion. Using buzz speak this is about brand alignment, when we are all supposed to produce consistent personal…
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Making the cut. How to ace a behavioural interview
Behavioural interviews have always been popular with major international organisations for carrying out in-depth selection processes. Recently however, interest in them seems to have peaked after being popularised by the TV show, The Apprentice just screened in the U.K. The reason I don’t write about this programme is because when I do watch it, for…
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Red Alert Resumés
Why red alert resumés send out a warning signal. I’m going to come clean. I hate functional CVs. With a passion. As someone who reads possibly hundreds of CVs a week, there is nothing more frustrating than reading a list of qualities and so called achievements and still having very little idea of what the…
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Career changers need to walk the talk!
Challenges for Career Changers 50% of my coaching clients are career changers aspiring to move out of their existing sectors, some perhaps that have been hard hit by the recession (automotive, logistics, manufacturing, financial services) and into hot predicted growth areas for 2010 such as Clean Tech, IT, renewable energy, healthcare, personal development education and re-cycling. Many job seekers complain bitterly of…
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Resume Advice: The good, the contentious and the simply misleading
How do you know what CV advice to listen to?
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Career reflection: Could you get your own job?
What would happen if you had to apply for your own job? In the past year I have been conscious of, and written extensively about, the pace of change in my particular field which seems to be greater than ever before. It’s hard to keep up! Every time I learn something new, I have to get…
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Does your career need a health check?
How healthy is your career? Do you have a plan?
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Choose your words wisely!
Inspired by Wally Bock Divided by a common language Chatting on Twitter the other night, Wally mentioned in passing that he was a vet. Wow I thought. He’s an international leadership guru , writer, poet AND a vet. That’s pretty amazing. I went into recruiter mode. Thoughts about wide ranging skill sets , the long…
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Career Management: A Learned Skill
Countless numbers of CVs cross my screen every day, either from candidates in the search process, or clients involved in transition coaching. So I’m pretty familiar with them. Jim Rohn usefully tell us “To solve any problem, there are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And…
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