Category Archives: Maternity leave

Diversity and Inclusion Recruitment – Beyond the Hype
Diversity and Inclusion recruitment processes and workforces are the buzz words right now. If the level of white noise was a benchmark, we should be there and all sorted. But we’re not. So what’s going on behind the hype? Why aren’t diversity and inclusion recruitment initiatives working? I see regular, but superficial posts about the…
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Maternity leave – then what?
Maternity leave: then what? Making decisions about going back to work after maternity leave is always challenging. D-day looms large and is unavoidable. Decisions have to be made eventually. The period leading up to the return to work can be one of great stress. What goes on for the new mother? Guilt and angst These emotions plays…
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Left holding the baby: Maternity leave without a strategy
According to the Economist (December 31, 1999) the oral contraceptive is ”the greatest science and technology advance in the twentieth century“. This gave men and women hitherto unparalleled access in the developed world, to widely available and sophisticated birth control. Pregnancy now is an event that is usually carefully planned. Well mostly! It seems that after conception is when the planning becomes a bit haphazard! When I coach clients…
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Children: A corporate inconvenience?
I first wrote a post in 2012 asking are children a corporate inconvenience? I have updated it at intervals ever since. In 2023, I am still asking the same question. Men and women are reporting negative fallout when they wish to assume ongoing responsibility for parenting and childcare. My thoughts were further compounded after reading that women of child-bearing age are…
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A great divide: planned parenthood and corporate planning
Planned parenthood is commonplace for professional men and women today. Yet organisations seem to have contingency plans in place for anthing from a terroist threat to natural disasters, but not maternity leave. Why is that?
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Executive search, dinosaurs and maternity leave
You would think that when you reach a certain age there shouldn’t be much left in this life that can surprise you. But yet it does …every day! It seems that my destiny is to live in a state of perpetual surprise or shock. This monty alone I have raised my eyebrows around execs not…
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Motherhood and the CV Gap
Wally Bock in Momentor says about Motherhood and the CV gap “Even with men taking paternity leave, women face a career challenge that few if any men will ever face. This one of those situations where there are no easy answers, only intelligent choices. Dorothy Dalton lays them out for you in what is the…
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