Category Archives: Make up

10 back to basics job search tips. Job seekers help yourselves!
I have been conducting a European wide search, a region in the throes of an economic depression. In the middle of a global pandemic unemployment levels are at an all time high, so I anticipated being overwhelmed by significant numbers of on-target job seekers, with difficult selection decisions to make. I was wrong. Despite there being millions of career coaches…
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Message to self: why we need business dress codes
At the risk of coming over as a Jurassic fossil, I’m not a fan of business dressing down, even on Fridays, let alone Monday to Thursday. And before the hoodie brigade and Facebook/Google/Insta/TikTok crew come at me with Smart phones blazing, I’ll tell you why! There are good reasons for business dress codes. Appearance bias Yes of course the…
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Makeup: A career issue for both men and women!
How makeup is impacting the workplace I was facilitating a meeting in Paris some years ago and one delegate asked about women, makeup and career advancement. Is makeup a career issue? In a professional world driven by gender stereotypes – of course it’s an issue for both men and women. There wasn’t time to go…
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