Category Archives: job search strategies

Living in the shadow of your own resume
Are you what it says on the tin? Or do you live in the shadow of your own resume? I received a CV from a candidate (let’s call him John). My eyes lit up. A complex search had just become much easier. His CV was powerful, positive, succinct. But unhappily John was not. His responses…
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Women and networking: strategic or simply social?
Women and networking. Another hornet’s nest Last week was a busy week for women! It started off with Katherine Bigelow winning an Academy Award for Best Director for The Hurt Locker, followed swiftly by International Women’s Day. Much was written about women’s roles, the progress they have made and the steps they could make in the future. Then the wives of the UK party…
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Why New Year Resolutions are a waste of time
Why new years’ resolutions should not be a replacement for on going goals
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Don’t be afraid of “NO” in negotiation
Salary negotiation and gender divide. Making the most of ” No”
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When should elevator speeches be grounded?
Are traditional elevetor speeches out moded?
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Job Search: The blame game?
Job /candidate search is frustrating for all involved. But with all the recriminations that abound, why has the process been reduced to a blame game?
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Executive search and recruitment: Who to trust…!
When you get a call from a headhunter or recruiter – how do you know who to trust?
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Choose your words wisely!
Inspired by Wally Bock Divided by a common language Chatting on Twitter the other night, Wally mentioned in passing that he was a vet. Wow I thought. He’s an international leadership guru , writer, poet AND a vet. That’s pretty amazing. I went into recruiter mode. Thoughts about wide ranging skill sets , the long…
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When does “tailoring” your resumé become falsification?
I have recently become involved in several quite heated discussions about both “beefing up” resumés, or “dumbing” them down. Where do you draw the line when you are desperate to find a job that might be crucial to your economic survival? When does tailoring a resume become out right lying and falsification? As a coach,…
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