Category Archives: interveiw techniques

10 back to basics job search tips. Job seekers help yourselves!
I have been conducting a European wide search, a region in the throes of an economic depression. In the middle of a global pandemic unemployment levels are at an all time high, so I anticipated being overwhelmed by significant numbers of on-target job seekers, with difficult selection decisions to make. I was wrong. Despite there being millions of career coaches…
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9 reasons to reject candidates after an interview
Many recruiters and hiring managers are plagued by skill set shortages, both hard and soft skills. There is a very strong temptation to compromise to fill an open assignment rather than reject candidates that “will do.”. But very often the wrong hiring decision can be more expensive than keeping the vacancy open and continuing with the interview…
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Diversity and Inclusion Recruitment – Beyond the Hype
Diversity and Inclusion recruitment processes and workforces are the buzz words right now. If the level of white noise was a benchmark, we should be there and all sorted. But we’re not. So what’s going on behind the hype? Why aren’t diversity and inclusion recruitment initiatives working? I see regular, but superficial posts about the…
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6 ways to shine in a group interview
An increasing number of companies are now carrying out group interviews to reduce recruitment costs. As an added benefit, this process also allows hiring managers to measure the performance of potential candidates simultaneously and to make behavioural and leadership assessments which they can rank. Although this type of interview practise is carried out more frequently at junior levels, I am starting to hear that this selection style …
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15 Tips to finesse an online interview
Increasingly organisations are wanting to replace first contact telephone screenings with Skype interviews. Are you ready?
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10 Barriers to successful promotion
I see many people in transition who struggle to advance in their careers internally within their own organisations, in almost the same way as if they were involved in an external job search. Today, many companies have very rigorous internal promotion processes which can be as daunting as looking for a position outside a current organisation. However, there are…
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Brevity: The secret to a good interview
Throughout history, people way wiser than myself have counselled on the value of brevity. “Good things, when short, are twice as good”. ~ Baltasar Gracián “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” ~Thomas Jefferson “….to talk well and eloquently was a very great art, but that…
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Employers need to be interview ready
Although top-level candidates are investing increasingly in their employee brands and interview readiness, I’ve heard many stories that would suggest that some organisations are getting complacent. Mistakenly they believe that either being a good manager automatically makes them good interviewers, or with the market awash with candidates they don’t have to make an effort. They have basically let their interview readiness slip. Employers need to…
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Are we seeing a resurgence of candidate power?
After a period of huge workplace change, despite predictions we are seeing and uptick in the job market. Going hand in hand with this trend is a resurgence of candidate power, with employers very much playing catch up leading to huge numbers of unfilled vacancies. Top candidates making greater demands As the worst of the…
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Dealing with a loaded question
That loaded question “Tell me about yourself” Job seeking advice is a bit like parenting or relationship advice. Most people have done it and everyone has an opinion. No, or even disastrous experience, in any of the above, still leaves some undeterred. Share they will. Of course, basic common sense and a certain objective distance can…
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