Category Archives: Executive Presence

How to cultivate gravitas
You can cultivate gravitas with inside out work Many think it is not is possible to cultivate gravitas, which is considered to be central to executive presence. That elusive quality said to contribute by 25% towards career success. It seems it can be acquired by anyone, at any age. It’s about presenting your best self, all the…
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How to show poise under pressure
Tessie Tessie is a 35-year-old Project Manager in a small Design Agency. Resources are tight and deadlines even tighter. At times, especially on a Friday, as everyone rushes to meet client demands and set targets for the following week, there is a pressure cooker atmosphere. It’s part of the creative buzz, but the downside is tempers…
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How to become visible in meetings: shut up and listen
People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything.” Thomas Sowell” Despite meetings being considered to be time-consuming and time-wasting in equal measure, we are all exhorted to excel and standout in them. This truthfully seems a bit strange to me. J.K. Galbraith, the world reputed economist adds “Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want…
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