Category Archives: Corona Virus

When a coach is not a coach
Sounds crazy doesn’t it? When a coach is not a coach. And when does not being a coach become a problem? This is especially important if you think you are one already or want to become one. The word coach means different things to different people. As such it has become horribly mis and over-used.…
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Personal branding in an “office-less” workplace
Navigating office politics and making sure you are visible for the right reasons, to the right people has always been a challenge. But the difficulties have been heightened as we are all working remotely more and travel and meeting restrictions are in force. The notion of intrapreneurship has shifted in the office-less workplace. It is…
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Post pandemic recruitment trends
We are in the middle of a tumultuous convergence of three crises: health, economic and social justice. In some areas we need to layer on political upheaval. And we are not talking emerging markets here. The “Coronacoaster” as it has been named, is creating upheaval and uncertainty in most markets. Some have been decimated. Many…
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Time to call out unemployment bias
A hot topic in the career sector is whether job seekers should declare on LinkedIn via a hashtag system or a green circle offered by LinkedIn, that they are #ONO (Open for New Opportunities) or saying they are “Open to Work.” A significant number of people suggest this is a “sign of desperation” and are…
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Covid19 Collective Trauma
There is no doubt we are all part of a Covid19 collective trauma even though we all have different experiences of this crisis. Some are actually positive. Introverts love it and people who wanted to WFH actually want it to go on for ever. But for many, the impact has been negative ranging from discombobulating…
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Reactions to pandemic safety protocols fuel problems for HR
People are slowly returning to work in different stages in various geographies. I have been very surprised to hear some of the experiences HR leaders are recounting around the implementation of pandemic safety protocols. This is not just an HR issue, but also a business and leadership issue. They are seeing a strong polarisation of…
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Career opportunities compatible with social distancing
Social distancing is going to change the way our organisations are structured and by default the career and job search landscape. In 2016, I identified an emerging trend which I call a “cluster career.” This is a series of diversified revenue generating professional activities, operating sequentially or simultaneously. This not be confused with a career…
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