Tag Archives: gender balance; executive search brussels

Inclusion initiatives

Diversity and inclusion initiatives under threat

What can HR do to protect diversity and inclusion initiatives? Diversity and Inclusion initiatives struggle to succeed under any circumstances. But with recent dramatic shifts in the current social, economic and political cilimates in many areas, there is a strong possibility that any progress will be stalled. These swings signal a potential backlash to any…

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Gender de-coding of job adverts treats symptoms only

Gender De-coding and unconscious bias Corporate culture and communication generally has a male tone. Whether it’s job adverts and postings, job descriptions, feedback and review forms or employee engagement and reward terminology. The HR world is awash with phrases such as champion, ninja, winner, hero, scrum master and black belt. It’s hardly surprising that some women or introverts can be deterred from…

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career dad

When will we see the term “Career Dad”?

I just realised we have phrases for: stay at home Mum career woman stay at home Dad ?????? Where is the term “career father” or “career dad”? It would seem that terms have crept into our language to cover the work-parenting continuum with one noted exception. We are left with the assumption that men, even when they…

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