Category Archives: Career management and transition

Post-Brexit job search

Post-Brexit Job Search Tips

I wrote a post in 2019 about the impact on talent in the U.K. as both E.U. nationals start to repatriate or return to another parts of the E.U. and and Brits look for jobs in Europe. One element that many British nationals seem not to have fully appreciated is that they now have third country status…

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LinkedIn's new feature - Homemaker.

LinkedIn’s new feature – Homemaker. Let’s get creative!

LinkedIn’s new feature with “Homemaker”, “Stay-at-home Mom,” ” Stay-at-home Dad,” or “Stay-at-home Parent,” are now approved as recognized job descriptions on LinkedIn to avoid employment gaps on your profile. This is supposedly to support anyone who was a COVID casualty and made redundant during the pandemic. The option is especially designed to allow women who are badly…

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make the most of furloughs

6 ways to make the most of furloughs

We are now for some people in a second or even third period of layoffs. Many complain they didn’t maximise their time in the first series and want to do better this time around. So how can you make the most of furloughs in the next round to manage your career in times of uncertainty?  …

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Ikigai and career coaching

Intertwining Ikigai and career coaching

I have always incorporated the concept of Ikigai and career coaching, although when I started doing this many years ago, I didn’t understand at the time that this was what I was actually doing. My approach has always been holistic and to avoid to siloed thinking. Our professional and personal goals not separate and unrelated…

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back to basics job search tips

10 back to basics job search tips. Job seekers help yourselves!

I have been conducting a European wide search, a region in the throes of an economic depression.  In the middle of a global pandemic unemployment levels are at an all time high, so I anticipated being overwhelmed by significant numbers of on-target job seekers, with difficult selection decisions to make. I was wrong. Despite there being millions of career coaches…

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hiring bias

7 hiring biases we have to manage Post COVID19

Our recruitment systems are riddled with hiring biases They always have been. But we need to manage them more urgently than ever post COVID19. If anyone had said on January 1, 2020, that within four months most of those who could, would be working from home, would you have believed them? If they went on…

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Personal branding in an “office-less” workplace

Navigating office politics and making sure you are visible for the right reasons, to the right people has always been a challenge.  But the difficulties have been heightened as we are all working remotely more and travel and meeting restrictions are in force. The notion of intrapreneurship has shifted in the office-less workplace. It is…

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Time to call out unemployment bias

A hot topic in the career sector is whether job seekers should declare on LinkedIn via a hashtag system or a green circle offered by LinkedIn, that they are #ONO (Open for New Opportunities) or saying they are “Open to Work.”  A significant number of people suggest this is a “sign of desperation” and are…

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Continuous learning can no longer be a hobby

Continuous learning can no longer be a hobby

Will talent become an individual or enterprise asset in the next normal? One thing is certain: continuous learning can no longer be a hobby. The discussion around who will be responsible for making sure that economies and companies have the right skills and talent for next normal is already cranking up. The pandemic has impacted our…

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Career opportunities compatible with social distancing

Career opportunities compatible with social distancing

Social distancing is going to change the way our organisations are structured and by default the career and job search landscape. In 2016, I identified an emerging trend which I call a “cluster career.”  This is a series of diversified revenue generating professional activities, operating sequentially or simultaneously. This not be confused with a career…

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